Great points to study and analyze. Thank you for bringing them to the theoretical deal.
There's more than meets the eye and reading this, I believe president Trump may have not been serious about it.
Let's hope Canadians try to fix country within. I cannot believe no one has heard of the PPC party under Maxime Bernier. There's a reason for it, he's the only one that is proposing common sense solutions and to reduce government.
The PPC is the only party with long term tenable policies. Sadly, as the vast majority of Canadians are brainwashed by public “eduction”, and excessively subject to propaganda, they will never gain power in this country, barring some king of revival.
True. And with our electoral system and seeing how Elections Canada keeps changing rules and criteria to prevent PPC entering the debates, it's frustrating to say the least.
Great article Julius. I think one of the largest stumbling blocks to this deal or idea of a deal is seniors. Myself I am on the edge of retirement and currently drawing my CPP and OAS but had planned to work for another couple of years especially in light of our current economic governance and outlook. So I'm sure many others would be in a similar situation as I am, As everything is right now I can afford to retire however, if it gets much worse that might change. I'm sure many seniors will wonder about what might happen to their CPP and OAS. Stabilizing that idea might go along way towards garnering support from the senior population.
You would get US Social Security and Medicare after 65. Let’s concentrate on the big picture first….destroying the venal and rapacious Canadian oligarchy that rules at will, steals from the middle class and locks people in their houses unless they follow state edicts .
Likely sadly true. The Canadian personality is founded on a monarchist power structure who told us it would keep us safe from the American revolutionaries. Canadians like Australians are loyal and obedient to the ruling oligarchy. Unless there is an intervention it's difficult to see how Canada escapes its destiny of beconing an economic backwater. British depravity is at the heart of the growing fracture between the the US and the degenerate British ruling class that has infiltrated US foreign policy since WW2. Hopefully president Trump realizes this and cuts the "special relationship"
Adam Townsend (@adamscrabble) on X tweeted in 2020 that he envisioned that there would be a realignment to city-states within the US. You two might be onto something.
Well conceived and expressed. Thank you. I'm wondering, if USA is extending a warm welcome to Canadians, might they also loosen the "only 183 days annually" restriction for back and forth, at least for those of us who own second homes in the USA? I would gladly vote for Ontario to become the 51st state, but fear Ontarians will dig in their heels in refusal. Therefore, maybe USA will offer special consideration to individual families like ours, who certainly support the local economy well whenever we are in our second home. We would like to have the freedom to enjoy more than 183 days annually south of the border.
We either allow China to continue to take control of our country under the careful guidance of Trudeau or we become a fifty first state. There will be no peaceful solution to what is going to happen to this country. If you want your rights and freedoms back and this land that was once called Canada then you will have to fight for it physically with what guns we have left
I have never been so impressed with a vision such as that described above by Julius Ruechel. I am a Canadian army veteran, Alberta businessman and author recently retired from all three activities at 84 years of age with many American family relatives.
I became a committed Alberta separatist within a couple of years of Pierre Elliott Trudeaus election in 1968, who introduced Marxism to the Canadian public (which of course many adopted almost immediately). I have been waiting for President Trumps invitation since his first term!
Under today's ideological political conditions, Canada has become nothing more than what Justin Trudeau told Canadians he was building; a post national, Marxist inspired, divided, corrupt, un-Christian, bankrupt country comprised of 13 little colonies, none of which are interested in or willing to get along, all of which have cultures different from their neighboring province and I would welcome the opportunity to become an American citizen.
WOW! That's a great article....and I don't agree about making it shorter. The key is to get the attention of the smart/common-sense people, and they will need the kind of detail you included.
Canada desperately needs to get out from 'under' the Brits - especially the "British Crown"!
The Clown/Crown has been the biggest criminal support system for years, and the current "king"
takes the prize as he courts the UN/WEF/WHO/ and political puppets like our Crime Minister.
"King Charles ‘worried about Canada v Trump’ and will call for unity
Days after meeting Justin Trudeau, the monarch and Canadian head of state will use his Commonwealth Day message to urge nations to ‘come together in friendship’"
Therefore I suppose that Trump's friendship with the British royals is more one-sided than he imagines. Charles is concerned that his exceedingly profitable Crown Land in Canada will change ownership. That was always the point of Canada for the Crown -- as a cash cow. The population has been incidental. They never had our backs.
I have said for many years that Charles is a traitor. He is a globalist and WEF-man. It's no secret. He even has articles in the British press about his many joint projects with Klaus Schwab.
In fact I doubt if there are any members of the royal families of Europe or Britain who are not globalists and WEF supporters. They are supposedly the elite, and in their minds (what little many of them have of minds), we are the serfs .
100% accurate. I have a similar sense about Trump. First, he's 100% improvement over the D-Gang; however, there is mounting evidence that he is just a (confuse the 'right') version of the current global situation - they are ALL Uni-Party.
In spite of that, this 'Canada-State' thing is still worth pursuing to get rid of the non-democratic-top-down system we suffer under. A slightly modified Republic is better.
Trump will need two more administrations to read this. If you really want to send a readable letter, Julius, keep it to under three pages--and probably fewer.
I pray he responds. The only way he will be able to paint a picture of the future for Canadians and not have his vision poisoned by Canadian politicians and mainstream media is to engage with independent media! I wish someone could land an interview with him to ask these questions...
All the demands and pre-requisites listed in this very long article make it sound as though Canada would be entering into negotiations toward a political union with the USA as an equal partner. Canada is financially broke beyond repair; and intellectually bankrupt...publicly evoked govt contemplation at the cabinet level of a UK/France nuclear umbrella to protect us from USA hegemony is a moron's enterprise.
If the Americans choose to rescue our sinking ship, Canada would disappear from world maps, we erstwhile Canucks would become citizens of the USA instantly with all the contained rights and responsibilities, and bask in the glorious light of our 1st Amendment.
I doubt Quebec will ever extricate itself from Alberta’s oil revenue while Ottawa continues to throw so many favored contracts its way. Leave? And then what?
My additional comment would be that Canada as a state lumps all of our territory as one thing. Instead unique "provinces" or geographic areas should retain their identity within the larger North America.
Great points to study and analyze. Thank you for bringing them to the theoretical deal.
There's more than meets the eye and reading this, I believe president Trump may have not been serious about it.
Let's hope Canadians try to fix country within. I cannot believe no one has heard of the PPC party under Maxime Bernier. There's a reason for it, he's the only one that is proposing common sense solutions and to reduce government.
The PPC is the only party with long term tenable policies. Sadly, as the vast majority of Canadians are brainwashed by public “eduction”, and excessively subject to propaganda, they will never gain power in this country, barring some king of revival.
True. And with our electoral system and seeing how Elections Canada keeps changing rules and criteria to prevent PPC entering the debates, it's frustrating to say the least.
Great article Julius. I think one of the largest stumbling blocks to this deal or idea of a deal is seniors. Myself I am on the edge of retirement and currently drawing my CPP and OAS but had planned to work for another couple of years especially in light of our current economic governance and outlook. So I'm sure many others would be in a similar situation as I am, As everything is right now I can afford to retire however, if it gets much worse that might change. I'm sure many seniors will wonder about what might happen to their CPP and OAS. Stabilizing that idea might go along way towards garnering support from the senior population.
You would get US Social Security and Medicare after 65. Let’s concentrate on the big picture first….destroying the venal and rapacious Canadian oligarchy that rules at will, steals from the middle class and locks people in their houses unless they follow state edicts .
Likely sadly true. The Canadian personality is founded on a monarchist power structure who told us it would keep us safe from the American revolutionaries. Canadians like Australians are loyal and obedient to the ruling oligarchy. Unless there is an intervention it's difficult to see how Canada escapes its destiny of beconing an economic backwater. British depravity is at the heart of the growing fracture between the the US and the degenerate British ruling class that has infiltrated US foreign policy since WW2. Hopefully president Trump realizes this and cuts the "special relationship"
United we stand, divided we fall!
(British were expert at etching away at these fault lines in society.)
Not too many sheep around here in the rural west!
Can you also ask him to end daylight saving time?
I'm 100% on board with this idea!
Adam Townsend (@adamscrabble) on X tweeted in 2020 that he envisioned that there would be a realignment to city-states within the US. You two might be onto something.
It would resolve A LOT of the internal political tensions! Fingers crossed! 🙏
Well conceived and expressed. Thank you. I'm wondering, if USA is extending a warm welcome to Canadians, might they also loosen the "only 183 days annually" restriction for back and forth, at least for those of us who own second homes in the USA? I would gladly vote for Ontario to become the 51st state, but fear Ontarians will dig in their heels in refusal. Therefore, maybe USA will offer special consideration to individual families like ours, who certainly support the local economy well whenever we are in our second home. We would like to have the freedom to enjoy more than 183 days annually south of the border.
We either allow China to continue to take control of our country under the careful guidance of Trudeau or we become a fifty first state. There will be no peaceful solution to what is going to happen to this country. If you want your rights and freedoms back and this land that was once called Canada then you will have to fight for it physically with what guns we have left
I have never been so impressed with a vision such as that described above by Julius Ruechel. I am a Canadian army veteran, Alberta businessman and author recently retired from all three activities at 84 years of age with many American family relatives.
I became a committed Alberta separatist within a couple of years of Pierre Elliott Trudeaus election in 1968, who introduced Marxism to the Canadian public (which of course many adopted almost immediately). I have been waiting for President Trumps invitation since his first term!
Under today's ideological political conditions, Canada has become nothing more than what Justin Trudeau told Canadians he was building; a post national, Marxist inspired, divided, corrupt, un-Christian, bankrupt country comprised of 13 little colonies, none of which are interested in or willing to get along, all of which have cultures different from their neighboring province and I would welcome the opportunity to become an American citizen.
Lloyd Leugner, Cochrane Alberta.
Thank you Lloyd!
WOW! That's a great article....and I don't agree about making it shorter. The key is to get the attention of the smart/common-sense people, and they will need the kind of detail you included.
Canada desperately needs to get out from 'under' the Brits - especially the "British Crown"!
The Clown/Crown has been the biggest criminal support system for years, and the current "king"
takes the prize as he courts the UN/WEF/WHO/ and political puppets like our Crime Minister.
Today's Sunday Times:
"King Charles ‘worried about Canada v Trump’ and will call for unity
Days after meeting Justin Trudeau, the monarch and Canadian head of state will use his Commonwealth Day message to urge nations to ‘come together in friendship’"
Therefore I suppose that Trump's friendship with the British royals is more one-sided than he imagines. Charles is concerned that his exceedingly profitable Crown Land in Canada will change ownership. That was always the point of Canada for the Crown -- as a cash cow. The population has been incidental. They never had our backs.
I have said for many years that Charles is a traitor. He is a globalist and WEF-man. It's no secret. He even has articles in the British press about his many joint projects with Klaus Schwab.
In fact I doubt if there are any members of the royal families of Europe or Britain who are not globalists and WEF supporters. They are supposedly the elite, and in their minds (what little many of them have of minds), we are the serfs .
100% accurate. I have a similar sense about Trump. First, he's 100% improvement over the D-Gang; however, there is mounting evidence that he is just a (confuse the 'right') version of the current global situation - they are ALL Uni-Party.
In spite of that, this 'Canada-State' thing is still worth pursuing to get rid of the non-democratic-top-down system we suffer under. A slightly modified Republic is better.
You might want to read the Francisco Gil-White Substack, "Management of Reality".
Trump will need two more administrations to read this. If you really want to send a readable letter, Julius, keep it to under three pages--and probably fewer.
Great article with some very well thought out ideas and suggestions Julius. Can't wait for Trump's response.
I pray he responds. The only way he will be able to paint a picture of the future for Canadians and not have his vision poisoned by Canadian politicians and mainstream media is to engage with independent media! I wish someone could land an interview with him to ask these questions...
Julius maybe reach out to Juno News or Rebel News?
All the demands and pre-requisites listed in this very long article make it sound as though Canada would be entering into negotiations toward a political union with the USA as an equal partner. Canada is financially broke beyond repair; and intellectually bankrupt...publicly evoked govt contemplation at the cabinet level of a UK/France nuclear umbrella to protect us from USA hegemony is a moron's enterprise.
If the Americans choose to rescue our sinking ship, Canada would disappear from world maps, we erstwhile Canucks would become citizens of the USA instantly with all the contained rights and responsibilities, and bask in the glorious light of our 1st Amendment.
Good list, but Trump should also be asked how he intends to master the US national debt.
I doubt Quebec will ever extricate itself from Alberta’s oil revenue while Ottawa continues to throw so many favored contracts its way. Leave? And then what?
My additional comment would be that Canada as a state lumps all of our territory as one thing. Instead unique "provinces" or geographic areas should retain their identity within the larger North America.
Agreed -- each province should ideally apply as their own state.
A sane and useful conversation. I hope it can continue
What a fantastic essay, great questions