The world that Canada finds itself in right how has little to do with the mindset that brought you Conrad Black's well-crafted writing on historical dates and events, or Royal Tours where we could scrape up a posse of local flag-wavers, or listening to Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy". That Canada and those Canadians are all but gone. Those perspectives came out of the days of our naivety.
What is needed in 2025 and beyond is a thorough understanding of Machiavellian strategy, and being caught in its web. Once caught, how do we escape? How do we turn the tables?
Time to put the naivety to bed. There are super-powers vying for empire these days, and they want Canada. We may not have the option of going it alone any more.
Julius reads my mind. He says what I have been seeing and thinking for years. I am so surprised at hearing this coming from someone else's mouth. He asks the same questions....such as WHO? Who is going to take on all of these idealistic changes in Canada and its government? These changes are not simply going to arise because some Canadians see them and want them. A power in Canada has to institute these. And it is in no one's best political interest to do so. Especially not the PM's.
It would take decades for a single change of this nature. While in the meantime, JT has destroyed Canada in nine years.
These idealistic governing changes within Canada are not likely to happen.
Russ -- Canada changed with the Troodos. That was done not out of incompetence....but out of the Troodo wish for ultimate power. Pierre was in the pocket of Mao of China back in the 50s, and there remains a Troodo-Communist alliance. Surely you have seen that! The destruction has been planned and carried out for decades. This is not haphazard. And we cannot go back. Too much has been lost.
And YES Julius....something big is coming on in the US. We are moving into a new geopolitical sphere. The Canadian system is naive, and is geared towards a small elite who control it all. Even the Queen betrayed us, when she had the authority to dismiss the Troodo govt. after its handling of the COVID and Trucker Convoy situations.....but she chose instead to look the other way. The British monarchy sides with the globalists. They ARE globalists! We can look for no assistance there.
So much of what we had and what we believed is gone. It lasts in Canadians' minds until it is tested.....but once tested and found wanting, we are forced to chart a new course. The Crown has been found wanting. Our Pierre-Troodo-designed Charter has been found wanting (since it was designed by him, I would have assumed it had loopholes inserted for crookery). Parliament is full of holes too. It is a far weaker institution than I had imagined. Again, you simply require a puppetmaster who knows and uses the built-in loopholes. And of course we have the Liberal party for that. Even if the Conservatives win a 2025 election, though it does get rid of the Liberals for at least several years, I do not believe that Poilievre can re-build what has been lost since 2015.
Canada and its political system is so incredibly devoid of checks and balances that I am surprised we have lasted this long. It is more like a serfdom, in which the voice of the population really does not count. Manipulation and deceit thrive here at the highest levels, as long as the manipulators are publicly polite about it and have the right connections. Because what are the people going to do to counteract this, even if they are aware of it? Witness the Troodo years!
Who guards the guards?
And if you as a political figure can insert some mass mind-control by a good Nudge Unit, you can get the serfs to support you anyway. Canadians will give it all away in exchange for some charismatic and malignant Pied Piper leading them over a cliff. Oops....! They already gave it all away to the power-hungry Troodos, so I am not sure that it is any worse -- and perhaps better -- to give it away to Trump and the Americans. At this point, it may be the US or China.
Great summary of the situation we're in! Every time I try to game out a stragegy in my mind on how to fix our country, I run up against the very same brick walls. We're not dealing with a regime that plays by the rules, and we've seen what they are capable of if challenged. I fear it's a knot that cannot be untied without outside intervention.
The world that Canada finds itself in right how has little to do with the mindset that brought you Conrad Black's well-crafted writing on historical dates and events, or Royal Tours where we could scrape up a posse of local flag-wavers, or listening to Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy". That Canada and those Canadians are all but gone. Those perspectives came out of the days of our naivety.
What is needed in 2025 and beyond is a thorough understanding of Machiavellian strategy, and being caught in its web. Once caught, how do we escape? How do we turn the tables?
Time to put the naivety to bed. There are super-powers vying for empire these days, and they want Canada. We may not have the option of going it alone any more.
Julius reads my mind. He says what I have been seeing and thinking for years. I am so surprised at hearing this coming from someone else's mouth. He asks the same questions....such as WHO? Who is going to take on all of these idealistic changes in Canada and its government? These changes are not simply going to arise because some Canadians see them and want them. A power in Canada has to institute these. And it is in no one's best political interest to do so. Especially not the PM's.
It would take decades for a single change of this nature. While in the meantime, JT has destroyed Canada in nine years.
These idealistic governing changes within Canada are not likely to happen.
Russ -- Canada changed with the Troodos. That was done not out of incompetence....but out of the Troodo wish for ultimate power. Pierre was in the pocket of Mao of China back in the 50s, and there remains a Troodo-Communist alliance. Surely you have seen that! The destruction has been planned and carried out for decades. This is not haphazard. And we cannot go back. Too much has been lost.
And YES Julius....something big is coming on in the US. We are moving into a new geopolitical sphere. The Canadian system is naive, and is geared towards a small elite who control it all. Even the Queen betrayed us, when she had the authority to dismiss the Troodo govt. after its handling of the COVID and Trucker Convoy situations.....but she chose instead to look the other way. The British monarchy sides with the globalists. They ARE globalists! We can look for no assistance there.
So much of what we had and what we believed is gone. It lasts in Canadians' minds until it is tested.....but once tested and found wanting, we are forced to chart a new course. The Crown has been found wanting. Our Pierre-Troodo-designed Charter has been found wanting (since it was designed by him, I would have assumed it had loopholes inserted for crookery). Parliament is full of holes too. It is a far weaker institution than I had imagined. Again, you simply require a puppetmaster who knows and uses the built-in loopholes. And of course we have the Liberal party for that. Even if the Conservatives win a 2025 election, though it does get rid of the Liberals for at least several years, I do not believe that Poilievre can re-build what has been lost since 2015.
Canada and its political system is so incredibly devoid of checks and balances that I am surprised we have lasted this long. It is more like a serfdom, in which the voice of the population really does not count. Manipulation and deceit thrive here at the highest levels, as long as the manipulators are publicly polite about it and have the right connections. Because what are the people going to do to counteract this, even if they are aware of it? Witness the Troodo years!
Who guards the guards?
And if you as a political figure can insert some mass mind-control by a good Nudge Unit, you can get the serfs to support you anyway. Canadians will give it all away in exchange for some charismatic and malignant Pied Piper leading them over a cliff. Oops....! They already gave it all away to the power-hungry Troodos, so I am not sure that it is any worse -- and perhaps better -- to give it away to Trump and the Americans. At this point, it may be the US or China.
Great summary of the situation we're in! Every time I try to game out a stragegy in my mind on how to fix our country, I run up against the very same brick walls. We're not dealing with a regime that plays by the rules, and we've seen what they are capable of if challenged. I fear it's a knot that cannot be untied without outside intervention.