Julius -- please do my show this week. We all have missed you terribly.


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Thanks Trish, I'd be thrilled to come on your show this week! I've just sent you an email!

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Glad to have you back. I look forward to reading your new book. Thank you

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Much appreciated, Elizabeth! It's great to be back — I hope you enjoy the book!

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Excellent. I would be great to hear you on Trish Wood's podcast again to talk about the new book.

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So happy one of my favourite Substack writers is back!

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So glad to hear. I was a bit worried about your disappearance...! looking forward to reading. From a fellow (but expat) BC native :)

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I didn't expect to be "offline" for this long, but every time I peeled back one layer in this story, there were two more waiting for me ;)

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the rabbit holes are truly long and deep...

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Congratulations on the new house ! Hope you like it there. Welcome back, too.

As to the climate nerds, I usually forward them a presentation by Dr Willie Soon from Ceres. He was on the Tucker show a few months back and he wipes the floor with the climateers, in a very enthusiastic and funny way.

Congrats on the new book as well !

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Thank you Ingrid! I've seen a few of Dr Willie Soon's presentations - he's great!

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They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Great interview with Trish Wood. Her stance regarding Israel is wrong.

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We missed you

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Thanks Rondo, I appreciate all your support!

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You were one of my guiding lights through the madness. I shall be fascinated to read your take on things. 🙂

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Welcome back Julius. You have been missed.

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I’m so glad to find you. It gets lonely sometimes when you feel like the only one standing against the prescribed narrative.

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Waiting two years for your reappearance seems to be worth it after reading this book intro! I'm about to order it. Welcome back!

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Much appreciated! This Deep Dive has definitely been a wild ride full of unexpected twists and turns! Hope you enjoy it!

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I am late but glad you are back!

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Welcome back my friend. You have been missed. ❤️ we look forward to reading your book.

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Thank you Sandra! It's a big relief to have this book wrapped up - it turned into a much deeper Deep Dive than I imagined. I hope you enjoy it!

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Great to hear from you again. All the best.

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