What a fantastic article Julius! I am not on X so I have no idea if Andrew Coyne responded to your beautifully written response but I would love to know.
My eyes were opened wider than ever when the Freedom Convoy came and since then my views of my much-loved Canada have changed. I saw first hand what the lovers of Canada and Freedom endured and sadly for some, they are still suffering the consequences. The mainstream media have not done their job (the truth has never been told) and the politicians and lawmakers continue to punish. Too many Canadians condemned the demonstration of freedom and jumped on board with the deception and lies that were presented to them by the successful brainwashing techniques of mainstream media and government talking heads. :(
Much appreciated! No word from Mr. Coyne yet, and likely there won't be. The Freedom Convoy -- and specifically how it was squashed, what has been done to so many who participated, and the silence (or eager support) of so many citizens -- has also completely changed my views of our country and broken a core trust within me in ways that cut to the bone.
Coyne's too busy adding flags to his X bio to respond. He's a member of Canada's so-called "intellectual elites". Why would he respond or engage with the commoners?
As an American I watch what other nations are doing. We in the USA have a lot of the same problems that Canada has right now with so-called representatives who live in an autocratic bubble and are afraid of the people they rule, so they get more and more authoritarian. Our constitution is wonderful! But citizens need to be informed. Our centralized education system no longer informs/educates! My conclusion: Centralized government is always and forever the problem that destroys peaceful community living at the micro level, no matter the form of government! Right now I'm paying attention to Argentina. Will they completely escape the dead hand of Peronism and will the general population continue to support the government of Javier Milei? Will Javier himself eventually let go of his own control in righting a bad situation so that average citizens can come into their own? Will the average Argentine face his/her own responsibilities, or will he/her just revert to "let the government take care of problems" if life seems to hard without 75 years of Peronism (that sucks everything dry!). With Freedom from all this comes individual responsibility as a must. I enjoyed reading your comments and feel the same lament as you Canadians. I watched the trucker's convoy and felt a kinship with you and the supporters of that movement. (Ours was anemic in comparison...). If you aren't already, and you may be, please be in contact with Joel Bowman in Argentina who writes on Substack about Argentina in a column entitled "Notes From The End of The World". It is clear that there are many who just don't want to "take it" any longer and want change! The few should know the names of those who share this common yearning until it becomes impossible to know all the names of everyone--which, really, is nearly the entire world of oppressed citizenry!
Well said! There are so many layers in your Constitution that make it possible for a bottom-up reform that are simply non-existent in ours! I'll check out Joel Bowman 🙏
The last time I felt part of a Canada that seemed to be gradually descending to the bottom of the slippery slope, was in February 2022. I had hopes that the slide might be slowed if not reversed. What happened? Although they were not hanged like Louis Riel, the hopes of the convoy were dashed under the hooves of the RCMP and other mercenaries, and many good people dragged through the courts and impoverished. Meanwhile, Hamas supporters run riot on the streets and are actively supported by our foreign affairs minister Joly.
Excellent article. Well said. Represents perfectly my intellectual and emotional states relative to the country I was once proud of.
A system which can be highjacked by 2 parasitic individuals and which cannot rid itself of corruption is a system worth defending only for those who are part of it. I will not defend a system which works against its own people.
Make everything local again. I'm running in the Municipal Election this year and my focus is in my community.
For the country, I pray for a Canadian Republic. That's what I would work for.
Fantastic article. Thank you for investing the time and effort. Nuanced discussions are so incredibly rare in the public forum and the fact that so many read it on X shows the appetitive and awakening beyond the superficial, scripted news that so many are waking up to (finally).
You are right on so many points, but you are being duped, as many have. It isn't Canadians vs. government. It is the majority of humans against the globalists. (and Good vs. Evil).
See this video, showing very clearly that Trump is herding us from the other side - towards the globalist goals of centralized control - documented by the U.N. in the 1990's.
(start at 37:30 and watch to 51:00, if you don't have time to watch the whole thing. note it is well worth watching!) These show blatantly obvious maps - Club of R and others.
Canada - where Christian pastors are being arrested and jailed even as I type.
Where it was made illegal to go to church, but not to a bar. pub or liquor store.
Where churches are burned, bank accounts are seized, cities and homes ravaged.
Where leaders take a knee with violent, protesters but refuse to even meet with peaceful ones (bouncy castle style).
Where the skies are daily striped with (?) yet those who notice are cancelled.
Where local officials come onto our farms and turn off the water for crops due to 'shortages', while approving plans to increase the population by tens of thousand (where will that water come from).
Where defenceless Christians are being persecuted and jailed simply for quoting scripture they earnestly believe to be true.
We are all sovereign under God, and we are in prophetic times. This is a spiritual war at heart.
I won't bible-thump here. I think everyone knows what choice they must make soon. The gospel of Jesus Christ is available to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I don't think that the author was taking Trump's "offer" at face value. I, too, recognize that the sudden leap from Trump's laudable "MAGA" movement to the "Make North America Great (Again?)" iteration seems to take us all a step further to the one world government utopia envisioned by the WEF crowd.
Julius does acknowledge that the US system also has its flaws. For the 51st state idea to provide meaningful change, reforms will be needed on both sides.
Trump is part of a major psyop to bring in NWO and unite North America into one union. The "politicians resisting" is just a game, so you will not see the big picture where things are actually heading.
There is no "what if". While I was on the fence before the "assassination", the FAKE assassination demonstrated that not only he is part of the psyop, he is playing his role of savior/messiah/martyr to perfection: "bleeding from the ear" can only be self inflicted, posing for the masses with raised fist, what a "symbol" .. Now he has surrounded himself with globalists and is pushing for North American Union, talking about tariffs (that is what caused the civil war) - that will kill global ecoonomy (and when people are starving wars, real pandemics, etc. happen), what lockdowns and force did not manage to do will be done "soft-way" and nobody will be any wiser.
Watch what he is actually doing, not what he is promising. Talk is cheap. He did not do anything useful the first time, he is unlikely to do anything useful the second time. Yes, few pieces on the board will be reshuffled, maybe some pawns sacrificed, but everything is moving in the one-world-gov. direction.
Thanks, A! However, as to immigration, it is *Muldoon* who really ramped it up.
*Remember him? He was the prime minister who was receiving paper bags full of money ($300,000) from Karlheinz Schreiber, etc. The one who went wild pig hunting with Amerikas's stooge Yeltstin in Russia. And so on and so forth etc etc et al.
I always thought that MulR would have made a better Liberal than Conservative. And then he was followed by his "fall-guy" Kim Campbell, who was in the PM role for several months before that government crashed. Kim was last seen going off into the sunset to California with her toy-boy.
As a Canadian, would I prefer to be governed by the politics of the current Liberal despots or to chance it in the U.S. how easy the answer is. I do not favour joining in with that wretched train wreck of America. But it is preferable to enduring continuing autocratic rule by the Trudeau and Dougie Ford bureacracies. The only way to rally support for 'Canada' is to obliterate that which has corrupted it. Like that jackass MP.
I agree. Although I admire America and have considered relocating there on and off over the years, I think under the current situation it may be preferable to just form some kind of union (yes, I'm aware of the NWO/NAU conspiracies and the Club of Rome and that forming another globalist union may not be in our interests. What we may want is something on the lines of a decentralized existence not unlike the city-states of ancient Greece and Renaissance Italy. The Holy Roman empire is another example (a precursor to the EU) but I think that lesson shows how fragmentation can be highly unstable. Nonetheless, none of these work without something to bind it together. A common sense of identity for example In the case of Renaissance Italy and the HRE, it was Christianity. At the moment, we're hyper-secular almost to the point of atheistic nihilism. Not a good way to move forward I reckon) than put up with the colonial shenanigans that infests Canada.
I think all sorts of precedents have been set. Harper set one with prorogation. What was once seen as a serious tool not to be invoked easily has been loosened significantly under Trudeau. The next PM, if they be so despotically inspired and inclined, could abuse Parliamentary norms even more. We're 'this close' from becoming an unstable South American style 'democracy'. The EA is another. It was deemed illegal while this government was still in power. They were nonplussed and reacted with complete indifference to it.
The U.S. has similar problems. Serious cultural problems that give me pause. But there's a marked difference. Where we can Federalize many fads making them law, it's not so easy to do so in the USA. California's 'ideas' can influence states but it's another matter to follow its lead Federally. Much easier, ironically, to replicate California in Canada. Canadian provinces do have autonomy (Quebec more than most) but it's much easier for Ottawa to impose its will on them. See Covid.
IF there was to be a shot at fixing what grips us, I like America's chances more than Canada. They have the history and culture to make it happen. It fought for its country. It's in the DNA. Canadians were gifted a land mass with jewels. We're going to have to learn to fight for it FIRST before we can make changes. Its system of checks and balances are crucial to a chance at reestablishing order. We don't have that. We're sitting ducks where our rights are concerned. Our rights are 'conditional'; a privilege. In America, it's an inalienable right under God's authority.
It's up to us to decide. But I don't like our chances. When you have national papers allegedly led by 'intellectuals' arguing that being 'anti-American' is a good thing while using all sorts of juvenile and tedious arguments to make its point, you kinda have an identity crisis. It adds to Trudeau's we're a 'post-nation state'. Moreover, he elevated 'we're not American' into a rallying cry. If this is how we've come to view ourselves, then we're not much to begin with. These aren't values. They're cynically driven meaningless faux-nationalist gibberish.
Act and think like a colony, expect to be treated as one.
I see Jagmeet Singh is puffed up beating the Canada First meme. To distract us perhaps from his collaboration with Trudeau's lockdown madness, the Trucker Convoy bit, shoving pronouns down peoples throats and the trandgender racket.
Watch and see those who dress themselves up this way. These are the racketeers most others want rid of.
Isn't the system you aspire to the very same one that is the aim of the current power structure? De-centralistion using block chain technology is exactly what is happening before our very eyes. There’s not much time before data-driven, second order cybernetic governance protocols take centre stage. Would you not use their digital techology in your city states?
Yes, good point. Not sure I'm aspiring to anything to be honest. There's a lot to consider. I must admit still navigating through all this. I've been hearing talk of a NAU since the 90s. Alex Jones used to talk about this in his early years.
Great article, good argument for a reform of our system of government. Unfortunately all national romance aside we remain a resource colony. And find me a country that hasn’t been sold out to globalists and subject to unhinged federal ambition. Switzerland?
Also I love the way history goes and that Quebec continues to persecute its Anglo minority.
It's ironic that resource-rich countries often have the worst govts - there's a concept called the Resource Curse (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_curse) that's often applied to developing countries, yet Canada also seems to fit the mold increasing well.
If nothing else, history certainly has a sense of humor (and a dark one at that).
Quebec has 'priced itself out of the market' so to speak. It's an outlier on the continent now. It doesn't correlate punitive language laws with impacts on economic or business models.
You want to be free of the English yoke so you can impose a linguistic yoke upon your own people as a means of perpetuating a xenophobic fervour that works in your favour come election time.
I’m sympathetic, I lived in Quebec for years and understand the need to preserve something special in French North America. But without those transfer payments… yikes.
I've been considering family and community in regards to the collapse of Assad's Syrian regime. The media wanted us to believe that the soldiers just walked away from their duties. That's true, but only after they realized the senior officers (Colonels and Generals) had walked away first.
What might cause a General to walk away from his command without notice? His responsibility to his family (children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, etc.). If an intermediary were to make a General an offer to take care of his family (Visas to another country + Bitcoin for him), that General might realize the best he can do for that large family that is relying on him his is take that offer.
What’s happened in Syria is so shocking and seemingly too far away to be regarded in your considerations but you’re quite right to do so. Very interesting for you to say so.
As I currently see it, the idea of a One World Government has been around for years. All the central banks are owned by the same network of families and their metaverse project is a global one. When they said 'The Great Reset', they were unveiling that society is being changed top down along with their economic system.
Canada and the US are not exempted from that.
I expect the "Covid 19 pandemic" was useful in not only allowing them to spend lots of money but also to push us more quickly into the digital age. They are going to use cybernetics to run things so they need to monitor us and everything else 24/7. The old way of having governments that you vote for will go as digital "democracy" using tokens comes in. Just like community currencies and UBI will come in when the old way is untenable.
I assume that's the plan, anyway. All the rest is smoke and mirrors to keep people distracted and/or emotional. Telling them what we think of their stories about actors such as Trump etc and grouping together online suits them down to the ground.
Do we want all this virtual reality or do we want real life? That is one thing they never ask.
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out. So Canadians got a question. Would you rather be part of China or would you prefer to be part of the USA???? China is so far up our arses here in Canada, taken over our elections, institutions etc....and you wonder why Trump is doing this!!!
This is a beautiful piece of writing Julius! You had your fingers on the heartbeat of so many of us disillusioned Canadians. By the end of the read I was sad for what has been lost, but a little comforted that I am not alone. I have decided to live a happy life in spite of the world falling apart around me. I will find ways to be of service and find meaning until the end.
Thank you Alyson! I feel just as you expressed -- a great sense of loss yet simultaneously also an immense gratitude for the new sense of community emerging from that void, and the reordering of priorities that strip thing down to only the things that truly have meaning. 🙏🥰
An excellent summary of what ails Canada, and without the references to Quebec, your article is also highly relevant to the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
Much of what you describe is a function of our British inheritance and a Crown overlord that ultimately controls everything, including our land. We are nothing but "subjects", we are not even recognised as citizens.
King Charles III's Xmas message calling for abolition of sovereign states and a global government was enough evidence to convince me that the Crown is the problem for 4 of the 5 Eyes nations that are governed without any formal Bill of Rights to ensure the people's protection against oppressive power.
It is interesting to note that in 1971, a young Prince Charles stood alongside his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, Henry Kissinger and Prof. Klaus Schwab at the inaugural meeting of the European Management Forum. In 1987, this organisation changed it name to World Economic Forum. In 2019 the World Economic Forum formally became the United Nation's Strategic Partner in achieving Agenda 2030 and with this, a global government under the UN.
So much for our Crown looking after its people. Perhaps this is why the British are approaching a tipping point into civil war with their latest dud Prime Minister expressing more concern about racial tensions and his reputation than the repeated rapes of 1000's of white British girls when he held the the office of Crown Prosecutor.
The leaders of 4 of the 5 Eyes states are all political duds who are ultimately subservient to the British Crown. Both major political parties are just the left and the right hand of the Crown's UniParty. They draft and then pass legislation up, ultimately to the Crown's representatives, the respective Governor Generals, who sign acceptable legislation into law. Voting doesn't change a thing, so if we don't want to be consigned back into serfdom, albeit of a digital form, then there is only one solution to this problem. I will be de-platformed if I state what that should/will be so leave it up to your imagination.
Fantastic and the response to Coyne is point on. I went to his X and I too noticed that for all his holier than thou attitude about Canada, he doesn't have the Canadian flag anywhere to be seen.
What a fantastic article Julius! I am not on X so I have no idea if Andrew Coyne responded to your beautifully written response but I would love to know.
My eyes were opened wider than ever when the Freedom Convoy came and since then my views of my much-loved Canada have changed. I saw first hand what the lovers of Canada and Freedom endured and sadly for some, they are still suffering the consequences. The mainstream media have not done their job (the truth has never been told) and the politicians and lawmakers continue to punish. Too many Canadians condemned the demonstration of freedom and jumped on board with the deception and lies that were presented to them by the successful brainwashing techniques of mainstream media and government talking heads. :(
Much appreciated! No word from Mr. Coyne yet, and likely there won't be. The Freedom Convoy -- and specifically how it was squashed, what has been done to so many who participated, and the silence (or eager support) of so many citizens -- has also completely changed my views of our country and broken a core trust within me in ways that cut to the bone.
Coyne's too busy adding flags to his X bio to respond. He's a member of Canada's so-called "intellectual elites". Why would he respond or engage with the commoners?
I'm so tired of that word - elites. I have other words in mind - LOL
It IS a tedious and opaque word. I hate it myself so I put it in quotes. Makes me feel better.
As an American I watch what other nations are doing. We in the USA have a lot of the same problems that Canada has right now with so-called representatives who live in an autocratic bubble and are afraid of the people they rule, so they get more and more authoritarian. Our constitution is wonderful! But citizens need to be informed. Our centralized education system no longer informs/educates! My conclusion: Centralized government is always and forever the problem that destroys peaceful community living at the micro level, no matter the form of government! Right now I'm paying attention to Argentina. Will they completely escape the dead hand of Peronism and will the general population continue to support the government of Javier Milei? Will Javier himself eventually let go of his own control in righting a bad situation so that average citizens can come into their own? Will the average Argentine face his/her own responsibilities, or will he/her just revert to "let the government take care of problems" if life seems to hard without 75 years of Peronism (that sucks everything dry!). With Freedom from all this comes individual responsibility as a must. I enjoyed reading your comments and feel the same lament as you Canadians. I watched the trucker's convoy and felt a kinship with you and the supporters of that movement. (Ours was anemic in comparison...). If you aren't already, and you may be, please be in contact with Joel Bowman in Argentina who writes on Substack about Argentina in a column entitled "Notes From The End of The World". It is clear that there are many who just don't want to "take it" any longer and want change! The few should know the names of those who share this common yearning until it becomes impossible to know all the names of everyone--which, really, is nearly the entire world of oppressed citizenry!
Well said! There are so many layers in your Constitution that make it possible for a bottom-up reform that are simply non-existent in ours! I'll check out Joel Bowman 🙏
A Republic. If you can keep it.
Eternal vigilance.
Not slogans. Axioms of liberty.
The last time I felt part of a Canada that seemed to be gradually descending to the bottom of the slippery slope, was in February 2022. I had hopes that the slide might be slowed if not reversed. What happened? Although they were not hanged like Louis Riel, the hopes of the convoy were dashed under the hooves of the RCMP and other mercenaries, and many good people dragged through the courts and impoverished. Meanwhile, Hamas supporters run riot on the streets and are actively supported by our foreign affairs minister Joly.
Excellent article. Well said. Represents perfectly my intellectual and emotional states relative to the country I was once proud of.
A system which can be highjacked by 2 parasitic individuals and which cannot rid itself of corruption is a system worth defending only for those who are part of it. I will not defend a system which works against its own people.
Make everything local again. I'm running in the Municipal Election this year and my focus is in my community.
For the country, I pray for a Canadian Republic. That's what I would work for.
Fantastic article. Thank you for investing the time and effort. Nuanced discussions are so incredibly rare in the public forum and the fact that so many read it on X shows the appetitive and awakening beyond the superficial, scripted news that so many are waking up to (finally).
You are right on so many points, but you are being duped, as many have. It isn't Canadians vs. government. It is the majority of humans against the globalists. (and Good vs. Evil).
See this video, showing very clearly that Trump is herding us from the other side - towards the globalist goals of centralized control - documented by the U.N. in the 1990's.
(start at 37:30 and watch to 51:00, if you don't have time to watch the whole thing. note it is well worth watching!) These show blatantly obvious maps - Club of R and others.
Canada - where Christian pastors are being arrested and jailed even as I type.
Where it was made illegal to go to church, but not to a bar. pub or liquor store.
Where churches are burned, bank accounts are seized, cities and homes ravaged.
Where leaders take a knee with violent, protesters but refuse to even meet with peaceful ones (bouncy castle style).
Where the skies are daily striped with (?) yet those who notice are cancelled.
Where local officials come onto our farms and turn off the water for crops due to 'shortages', while approving plans to increase the population by tens of thousand (where will that water come from).
Where defenceless Christians are being persecuted and jailed simply for quoting scripture they earnestly believe to be true.
We are all sovereign under God, and we are in prophetic times. This is a spiritual war at heart.
I won't bible-thump here. I think everyone knows what choice they must make soon. The gospel of Jesus Christ is available to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I don't think that the author was taking Trump's "offer" at face value. I, too, recognize that the sudden leap from Trump's laudable "MAGA" movement to the "Make North America Great (Again?)" iteration seems to take us all a step further to the one world government utopia envisioned by the WEF crowd.
Julius does acknowledge that the US system also has its flaws. For the 51st state idea to provide meaningful change, reforms will be needed on both sides.
Trump is part of a major psyop to bring in NWO and unite North America into one union. The "politicians resisting" is just a game, so you will not see the big picture where things are actually heading.
There is no "what if". While I was on the fence before the "assassination", the FAKE assassination demonstrated that not only he is part of the psyop, he is playing his role of savior/messiah/martyr to perfection: "bleeding from the ear" can only be self inflicted, posing for the masses with raised fist, what a "symbol" .. Now he has surrounded himself with globalists and is pushing for North American Union, talking about tariffs (that is what caused the civil war) - that will kill global ecoonomy (and when people are starving wars, real pandemics, etc. happen), what lockdowns and force did not manage to do will be done "soft-way" and nobody will be any wiser.
Watch what he is actually doing, not what he is promising. Talk is cheap. He did not do anything useful the first time, he is unlikely to do anything useful the second time. Yes, few pieces on the board will be reshuffled, maybe some pawns sacrificed, but everything is moving in the one-world-gov. direction.
Epic! I'll have to read it several times and send to to my MP, Larry Brock.
"Before Trudeau Sr. came along in the 80s"
Trudeau Sr & his bunch were in power from 1968-79; and then again from 1980-1984. That's 3 majority govts and 1 minority govt.
Yes, I noticed that. By the time the 80s arrived, Troodo Sr. had already being undertaking his evil for many years.
Thanks, A! However, as to immigration, it is *Muldoon* who really ramped it up.
*Remember him? He was the prime minister who was receiving paper bags full of money ($300,000) from Karlheinz Schreiber, etc. The one who went wild pig hunting with Amerikas's stooge Yeltstin in Russia. And so on and so forth etc etc et al.
I always thought that MulR would have made a better Liberal than Conservative. And then he was followed by his "fall-guy" Kim Campbell, who was in the PM role for several months before that government crashed. Kim was last seen going off into the sunset to California with her toy-boy.
Good riddance to all of them.
As a Canadian, would I prefer to be governed by the politics of the current Liberal despots or to chance it in the U.S. how easy the answer is. I do not favour joining in with that wretched train wreck of America. But it is preferable to enduring continuing autocratic rule by the Trudeau and Dougie Ford bureacracies. The only way to rally support for 'Canada' is to obliterate that which has corrupted it. Like that jackass MP.
I agree. Although I admire America and have considered relocating there on and off over the years, I think under the current situation it may be preferable to just form some kind of union (yes, I'm aware of the NWO/NAU conspiracies and the Club of Rome and that forming another globalist union may not be in our interests. What we may want is something on the lines of a decentralized existence not unlike the city-states of ancient Greece and Renaissance Italy. The Holy Roman empire is another example (a precursor to the EU) but I think that lesson shows how fragmentation can be highly unstable. Nonetheless, none of these work without something to bind it together. A common sense of identity for example In the case of Renaissance Italy and the HRE, it was Christianity. At the moment, we're hyper-secular almost to the point of atheistic nihilism. Not a good way to move forward I reckon) than put up with the colonial shenanigans that infests Canada.
I think all sorts of precedents have been set. Harper set one with prorogation. What was once seen as a serious tool not to be invoked easily has been loosened significantly under Trudeau. The next PM, if they be so despotically inspired and inclined, could abuse Parliamentary norms even more. We're 'this close' from becoming an unstable South American style 'democracy'. The EA is another. It was deemed illegal while this government was still in power. They were nonplussed and reacted with complete indifference to it.
The U.S. has similar problems. Serious cultural problems that give me pause. But there's a marked difference. Where we can Federalize many fads making them law, it's not so easy to do so in the USA. California's 'ideas' can influence states but it's another matter to follow its lead Federally. Much easier, ironically, to replicate California in Canada. Canadian provinces do have autonomy (Quebec more than most) but it's much easier for Ottawa to impose its will on them. See Covid.
IF there was to be a shot at fixing what grips us, I like America's chances more than Canada. They have the history and culture to make it happen. It fought for its country. It's in the DNA. Canadians were gifted a land mass with jewels. We're going to have to learn to fight for it FIRST before we can make changes. Its system of checks and balances are crucial to a chance at reestablishing order. We don't have that. We're sitting ducks where our rights are concerned. Our rights are 'conditional'; a privilege. In America, it's an inalienable right under God's authority.
It's up to us to decide. But I don't like our chances. When you have national papers allegedly led by 'intellectuals' arguing that being 'anti-American' is a good thing while using all sorts of juvenile and tedious arguments to make its point, you kinda have an identity crisis. It adds to Trudeau's we're a 'post-nation state'. Moreover, he elevated 'we're not American' into a rallying cry. If this is how we've come to view ourselves, then we're not much to begin with. These aren't values. They're cynically driven meaningless faux-nationalist gibberish.
Act and think like a colony, expect to be treated as one.
I see Jagmeet Singh is puffed up beating the Canada First meme. To distract us perhaps from his collaboration with Trudeau's lockdown madness, the Trucker Convoy bit, shoving pronouns down peoples throats and the trandgender racket.
Watch and see those who dress themselves up this way. These are the racketeers most others want rid of.
Isn't the system you aspire to the very same one that is the aim of the current power structure? De-centralistion using block chain technology is exactly what is happening before our very eyes. There’s not much time before data-driven, second order cybernetic governance protocols take centre stage. Would you not use their digital techology in your city states?
Yes, good point. Not sure I'm aspiring to anything to be honest. There's a lot to consider. I must admit still navigating through all this. I've been hearing talk of a NAU since the 90s. Alex Jones used to talk about this in his early years.
Great article, good argument for a reform of our system of government. Unfortunately all national romance aside we remain a resource colony. And find me a country that hasn’t been sold out to globalists and subject to unhinged federal ambition. Switzerland?
Also I love the way history goes and that Quebec continues to persecute its Anglo minority.
It's ironic that resource-rich countries often have the worst govts - there's a concept called the Resource Curse (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_curse) that's often applied to developing countries, yet Canada also seems to fit the mold increasing well.
If nothing else, history certainly has a sense of humor (and a dark one at that).
Quebec has 'priced itself out of the market' so to speak. It's an outlier on the continent now. It doesn't correlate punitive language laws with impacts on economic or business models.
You want to be free of the English yoke so you can impose a linguistic yoke upon your own people as a means of perpetuating a xenophobic fervour that works in your favour come election time.
I’m sympathetic, I lived in Quebec for years and understand the need to preserve something special in French North America. But without those transfer payments… yikes.
I've been considering family and community in regards to the collapse of Assad's Syrian regime. The media wanted us to believe that the soldiers just walked away from their duties. That's true, but only after they realized the senior officers (Colonels and Generals) had walked away first.
What might cause a General to walk away from his command without notice? His responsibility to his family (children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, etc.). If an intermediary were to make a General an offer to take care of his family (Visas to another country + Bitcoin for him), that General might realize the best he can do for that large family that is relying on him his is take that offer.
Your comment has been duly noted.
What’s happened in Syria is so shocking and seemingly too far away to be regarded in your considerations but you’re quite right to do so. Very interesting for you to say so.
As I currently see it, the idea of a One World Government has been around for years. All the central banks are owned by the same network of families and their metaverse project is a global one. When they said 'The Great Reset', they were unveiling that society is being changed top down along with their economic system.
Canada and the US are not exempted from that.
I expect the "Covid 19 pandemic" was useful in not only allowing them to spend lots of money but also to push us more quickly into the digital age. They are going to use cybernetics to run things so they need to monitor us and everything else 24/7. The old way of having governments that you vote for will go as digital "democracy" using tokens comes in. Just like community currencies and UBI will come in when the old way is untenable.
I assume that's the plan, anyway. All the rest is smoke and mirrors to keep people distracted and/or emotional. Telling them what we think of their stories about actors such as Trump etc and grouping together online suits them down to the ground.
Do we want all this virtual reality or do we want real life? That is one thing they never ask.
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out. So Canadians got a question. Would you rather be part of China or would you prefer to be part of the USA???? China is so far up our arses here in Canada, taken over our elections, institutions etc....and you wonder why Trump is doing this!!!
The 64 thousand dollar question about Trump producing a psy op. It will not be long till we find out.
This is a beautiful piece of writing Julius! You had your fingers on the heartbeat of so many of us disillusioned Canadians. By the end of the read I was sad for what has been lost, but a little comforted that I am not alone. I have decided to live a happy life in spite of the world falling apart around me. I will find ways to be of service and find meaning until the end.
Thank you Alyson! I feel just as you expressed -- a great sense of loss yet simultaneously also an immense gratitude for the new sense of community emerging from that void, and the reordering of priorities that strip thing down to only the things that truly have meaning. 🙏🥰
An excellent summary of what ails Canada, and without the references to Quebec, your article is also highly relevant to the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
Much of what you describe is a function of our British inheritance and a Crown overlord that ultimately controls everything, including our land. We are nothing but "subjects", we are not even recognised as citizens.
King Charles III's Xmas message calling for abolition of sovereign states and a global government was enough evidence to convince me that the Crown is the problem for 4 of the 5 Eyes nations that are governed without any formal Bill of Rights to ensure the people's protection against oppressive power.
It is interesting to note that in 1971, a young Prince Charles stood alongside his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, Henry Kissinger and Prof. Klaus Schwab at the inaugural meeting of the European Management Forum. In 1987, this organisation changed it name to World Economic Forum. In 2019 the World Economic Forum formally became the United Nation's Strategic Partner in achieving Agenda 2030 and with this, a global government under the UN.
So much for our Crown looking after its people. Perhaps this is why the British are approaching a tipping point into civil war with their latest dud Prime Minister expressing more concern about racial tensions and his reputation than the repeated rapes of 1000's of white British girls when he held the the office of Crown Prosecutor.
The leaders of 4 of the 5 Eyes states are all political duds who are ultimately subservient to the British Crown. Both major political parties are just the left and the right hand of the Crown's UniParty. They draft and then pass legislation up, ultimately to the Crown's representatives, the respective Governor Generals, who sign acceptable legislation into law. Voting doesn't change a thing, so if we don't want to be consigned back into serfdom, albeit of a digital form, then there is only one solution to this problem. I will be de-platformed if I state what that should/will be so leave it up to your imagination.
Fantastic and the response to Coyne is point on. I went to his X and I too noticed that for all his holier than thou attitude about Canada, he doesn't have the Canadian flag anywhere to be seen.