This is a wonderful summation of how we got here and what we are looking at in Canada.
However, as long as we think that CANADA is a nation, instead of a corrupt corporation masquerading as 'government', we are doomed.
Every province was set free to become a sovereign STATE in 1931, with it's own Constitutional Repubulic; that fact has always been deliberately hidden from us. There is no revolution necessary ... we simply, in each province, claim our right to Statehood and then decide if we want to federate or join with the US. We frame and vote on our own provincial/State Constitutions and set up a proper government from there.
It seems impossible in Canada to get people to stop focussing on the political theatre we are constantly redirected to by both mainstream and most alternative media. You can show all the evidence of what I say to top authors and mainstream media, but they refuse to look at what is really within our grasp, lawfully and legally.
The cognitive dissonance of those who are supposed to be 'discussing' the Canadian situation is our problem...they have control of the airways and they simply have no interest in letting anyone discuss the legal rights each former province (nation-States since 1931) have to build our own proper governments, like the ones we so admire in most States in the US.
i think he is saying Canada is not going to get that chance, that the USA will not let you choose Europe or china. I think he thinks your future as a borderland state is assimilation into the American whole.
If Canadians insist on an insular interpretation of what's going on, then yes, America will make the decision for us. I don't see any scenario where the U.S. would allow for Canada to go on in its current state. I don't even know if it would accept it attempting to join the EU. I think there would be a simple fix for that. The Americans could simple show Europe what kind of a national security risk Canada poses on THEM.
Worth noting that the colonies rejected original draft of the Bill of Rights because it didn't go far enough in protecting state rights if I recall. It went back to Jefferson for tweaking.
If you read the Federalist Papers it becomes apparent at how thoroughly literate and well versed the Founding Fathers were in matters of history. politics and philosophy. They vigorously debated the differences between the Dutch, French and British Parliamentary systems as well as Classical Greece and Rome carving out a unique interoperation of governance for Americans.
As for the Holy Roman Empire, itself grew out of the ashes of the Merovingian and Carolingian empires with the former being ruled by brutish illiterates and the latter by a more advanced and refined culture reaching its apex in Charlemagne. It was the closest thing to a "unified" Europe and was seen as a precursor to the EU.
Overlapping and competing with it was Christianity. But I'll stop here.
So. I'm interested in decoding how Canadians and its Lilliputian pundit class that stubbornly insists at looking at this from a wholly insular Canadian prism. It seems to grasp Pax Americana is over but view it as a dangerous threat to the stability of the world order. Problem is, the world order was already disintegrating. G7, NATO, UN - all these institutions are obsolete. Trump simply pulled the plug on it.
Canada is, once again, betting on the wrong horse. If a - ahem - a country can't defend itself then it has little chance of survival in a multi-polar framework. It will jostle to find a new Sugar Daddy and protectorate. All we're gonna do is become someone else's bitch - Brussels or Beijing. Canada is not strong enough economically or militarily to match its chest thumping blustering of 'finding new partners'. It's ludicrous to pretend otherwise.
Which is pretty retarded if this is what they're thinking.
The days of pretending that Canada is a middle-power with global influence are over. It's like someone who suddenly lost a cushiony job after 30 years even though they knew the day would eventually come.
To me, learn to love America, fall in line and find a spot within this new configuration of the American empire to make yourself relevant or just dissolve already.
If the Federalist Papers were required reading in schools, I would like to think Western Civilization would be in a much, much better place today!
The Canadian political classes truly beggar belief — it's honestly incomprehensible how they cannot (or refuse) to see the abyss that is right at their feet!
One of the contributing problems we have here in Canada is the absolutely atrocious education system that has been hijacked by neo-marxist socialist woke ideology. History was poorly taught 50 years ago, now it’s a woke-wash of propaganda. We can’t even have a rational conversation about the supposed unmarked graves of indigenous children without hysterical cries of racism and denialism.
Secondly, when medical institutions like UHN in Toronto cave and say on medical reports “sex assigned at birth” disregarding biological reality (never mind the insanity of Covid) we also can’t trust our healthcare system.
Personally, I’ve been feeling over the past 5 years that the only thing that will save our country is some form of revolution. I doubt that joining the EU is the solution. And definitely I see a Mark Carney led government as another nail in Canada’s coffin.
Thought provoking and informative as ever Julius! Thank you!
Europe isn’t really a contender in the emerging new order, as US Envoy and Vice President JDVance made clear last week in Munich. It’s the dumpster where the last of the globalists will be tossed, including opportunistic cretins like Marc Carny. The train has left the station leaving behind weeping Euro oligarchs frantically looking for ways to keep the US$ money machine firehosing dollars into Brussels. It’s over. The new Tri-Lateral commission looks more and more like USA-Russia-China. The EU becomes a vassal state between the emergent fortress North America and Russian control of Mackinder’s World Island.
Sadly a real possibility. Never underestimate the devious depraved opportunism of the British, who are emerging again as America's arch enemy leaving no stone unturned to derail the Russia-US summit. Quite likely they will be harshly dealt with by the Trump admin who are very aware of British attempts to influence the US elections.
They are completely broke and energy dependent on either Russia, the USA or the middle east (choose one).Can't exert much geopolitical power in those circumstances.
Here is the thing. I live in Alberta, which has always felt like it is viewed as a hinterland to be exploited by the elites living in the East. Now, due to an influx over the last 30 years of people from the outside, (and lots of propaganda) we are a divided province with lots of angry splinter groups. Finding common ground on just about any subject is going to be very hard.
Personally, I would like us to be building a network state. A state that recognizes the need for local autonomy, while also acknowledging that cooperation with every other state is required. In other words, I want more local control over the local economy & environment while having the higher levels of government focused on promoting cooperation between jurisdictions. Best way to do this is by requiring transparency in trade, laws, finances, etc.
We desperately need to restore local control over most of the decision-making in our lives — I feel like this is the most important battle to restore our local communities, and yet all the woke noise keeps everyone from having that long-overdue conversation.
And I for one would rather live in a materially chaotic but spiritually sound culture than its opposite. As you may know, in those allegedly 'dark ages' the vast majority of people in Europe had only recently been converted from pagan human sacrifice. Those 'evil' fiefdoms were actually an improvement on what they replaced.
I have several objections to what you are writing. First of all: you take for a fact that Trump's America is a move away form top down empire. Of course they haven't been on it for long, but it might all be a move to usher in an even more tyrannical era, with Digital ID's CBDC's, mandatory MRNa "vaccines", chip implants etc. And all with the enthusiastic approval of 'we the people', because, Trump. The other objection is this: you make it out as if Europe will be a significant pillar in the multi polar world. But for that to happen they need to be an economic power as well. And right now, Europe's industry is going completely down the drain. The problem is of course that German industry has been propping up the economies of the southern European states. Without Germany's monetary prowess, you will see that the differences between the European countries will become greater than their similarities. The EU will inevitably fall apart; maybe even go to war, since Italy, Spain and Greece have some unpaid bills open to Germany.
I give you this though: the future has all of a sudden become increasingly insecure.
PS Cool map of Europe - I like "The Free Frisian Lands". Would like to have those back please! (And I know I am not the only one!)
I'm also sceptical of Europe's ability to hold itself together — the whole thing seems like another attempt to build the Tower of Babel.
I am praying that the Trump regime will follow up its DOGE efforts with a comprehensive constitutional overhaul to restore limits on power (like I outlined in my last essay), but that hasn't entered into the conversation as yet so the continued consolidation of power in the hands of the executive may well continue unchecked despite his current efforts to remove the corruption and rot.
I also found it interesting to see the "Free Frisian Lands" on the map — beautiful area! — I remember reading how medieval Europe stoked up a massive "witchcraft" hysteria against the Frisians as cover to launch a vicious Crusade against them in the 13 century (I think it was the Drenther Crusade) to stamp out the proto-democracy that was emerging there, which threatened to upset the feudal order. Charles Mackay describes it in his 19th century book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds."
That is very interesting! I never knew. I will definitely look into that bit of history!! Did you know, by the way, that in the same area in thirties of the previous century two local elections were canceled?! The locals had voted a Communist city council and the government felt very threatened by it. The then queen (Wilhelmina) ordered the council disbanded and placed a conservative mayor in the towns. Nothing new ever happens!
Germany owes Italy money too. This is a reciprocal trade partnership between two G7 nations. I'd be careful grouping Italy with Greece and Spain. Italy is indebted to itself and has strong cash flow as an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse. Italy is also a net contributor to the EU. Germany is fiscally more sound but it's far from propping a G7 economy like Italy.
Also, there's a point to be made that Trump is creating a technocratic Fortress America. We should be wary of it.
Informative as always. While reading, I was reminded of James Michener's POLAND where he commented on the groundbreaking Polish-Lithuanian constitution of 1791. It promoted the ideals of the Enlightenment while providing many new rights and protections for peasants and townspeople. It was significant enough that the Russian and Prussian leadership squashed Poland lest their peasants demand the same rights or try to move to Poland to live under the new freedoms.
Don't you think that US, China and Russia etc are all working together behind the scenes? The metaverse is a global project. Figure heads who apparently are running nation states are there for a reason.
We all see the world through our own eyes so some believe that those men are running the show when in reality plans have been around for many years to change our societies. Communities may not be determined by geography when you are part of the ant computer. Neal Stephenson seemed to set out what is happening when he wrote his novel "The Diamond Age" in the 1990s. In the extremely globalised future depicted in the novel, cultural divisions have largely replaced nation states.
I do feel we are being continually frightened and distracted while we are being monitored to feed A.I. Perhaps if we were to step back from technology and use our energy to nourish ourselves and others, the world would be a better place.
Its certainly argued by some that the real global dark state is families like the Rothschilds, pulling at the strings, and their allies in the large multi-nationals.
This American citizen truly enjoys reading what you research and write, Julius. Times are changing and very interesting, and sometimes downright horrifying! Right now I have many friends who do not trust Elon Musk's band of 20-something computer geniuses who have access to very confidential records that, if copied, could be used to gain control of information that harnesses citizens to further tyrannical overreach by private oligarchs, and not by government this time! One is hard-pressed to trust anyone with power at this point! I am hoping that a critical mass of citizens are staying vigilant and not succumbing to Trump-Worship just because a lot of good things are finally happening. Whoever holds power should not be uncritically trusted. Thank you for your comprehensive view of history!
Wow! The is by far the BEST essay I’ve read on the historical roots of the Pax Americana global order, its decline, and coming dissolution. I don’t write well enough to explain adequately why this article hit home for me, but it did. It’s a brilliant analysis/summation of how we got to where we are.
Without a potent executive branch, Canada has no means of politically purging the criminals and traitors who have sold us out and destroyed any vestige might have had as a nation. We are now, effectively, a failed state, sans nationhood - a post-national state as described by the author and, of course, promoted by the globalist stooge and infantile, half-wit Justine Trudeau.
Mark Carney, in my opinion, is just another globalist stooge - albeit more of a Svengali than Trudeau could ever be. But it makes no difference now, whether the Canadian electorate gets fooled once again and votes in the Liberals. I'm sure the Quebec separatists are going to help this as much as possible to speed up the dissolution of the country. The rapid deracination and socioeconomic destruction of this country has been dizzying, and of course, the public has completely blindsided by the lies and propaganda spewed by the state supported media. The US can accelerate the collapse and pickup the pieces any time they want.
This country was a contrived construct to begin with, but nonetheless, there was a chance to have made something good of it, if we had been allowed to build a real nation. The first Trudeau put paid to that and it's been all downhill since,
Thanks for the clarity. As a canadian I now know what Im going to do. I have no confidence in my fellow citizens to ever collectively find the guts to look ccp infiltration in the eye & sweep it out of canada. I am not staying here to watch the suffering among a intentionally dumbed down compliant falsely arrogant citizenship.
So where will you go? As everything gets shaken up from here on out, it seems to me that choosing a better place to stay can be challenging... easy to make a wrong gamble?
I think the problem with Canadians running off instead of learning that every province was a sovereign nation since 1931 and can claim it's right to a constitutional republic, is that Americans and others where we run to, will see us as opportunisitic migrants, just the way we see 3rd world invaders there now.
Not so. Ive done business from home, for twenty years, from Canada, with a US corporation & have clients in multiple states as well as across EU.
The Americans have been asking me since 2021 ‘when are y’all moving down here?’ They are appalled at the tyranny up here. I was persecuted by my fellow citizens for my jab free choices, & watched fellow citizens agree with the gvnmt violently assaulting citizens from AB to ON & the Crown is STILL prosecuting unarmed law abiding citizens for ‘mischief’. They intend to financially ruin people as they once again challenge the decision on the EO. All while carney announces he plans to use emergency orders to force thru his green economy. And what happens?? Mental midget cdns wave their flags & join ‘team canada’…the same team that persecuted my family !! So while I still have the right to travel Im leaving this time. Life is short. I will not leave my grandkids to be tax slaves for globalists among citizens who can’t think sound thoughts. I am NOT ‘running off’, I am choosing to immigrate as a settler, just as my ancestors did who immigrated here. We will go where our work & loyalty are respected & protected. Canada can figure itself out without us
Your essay appears to make the assumption that ethnic tribes/cultures are equally interchangeable, and can thereby be put together like legos to form the next empire. But racial equality is the Great Lie which means that any empire is inherently unstable.
In contrast, race realism means that a nation consisting of a homogeneous ethnic group is more amenable to the personal growth and stability of its citizens, as well as providing the logical nucleus for degrees of organizational subsidiarity if required. All of which tends to moot your conclusions.
This is a wonderful summation of how we got here and what we are looking at in Canada.
However, as long as we think that CANADA is a nation, instead of a corrupt corporation masquerading as 'government', we are doomed.
Every province was set free to become a sovereign STATE in 1931, with it's own Constitutional Repubulic; that fact has always been deliberately hidden from us. There is no revolution necessary ... we simply, in each province, claim our right to Statehood and then decide if we want to federate or join with the US. We frame and vote on our own provincial/State Constitutions and set up a proper government from there.
It seems impossible in Canada to get people to stop focussing on the political theatre we are constantly redirected to by both mainstream and most alternative media. You can show all the evidence of what I say to top authors and mainstream media, but they refuse to look at what is really within our grasp, lawfully and legally.
The cognitive dissonance of those who are supposed to be 'discussing' the Canadian situation is our problem...they have control of the airways and they simply have no interest in letting anyone discuss the legal rights each former province (nation-States since 1931) have to build our own proper governments, like the ones we so admire in most States in the US.
i think he is saying Canada is not going to get that chance, that the USA will not let you choose Europe or china. I think he thinks your future as a borderland state is assimilation into the American whole.
If Canadians insist on an insular interpretation of what's going on, then yes, America will make the decision for us. I don't see any scenario where the U.S. would allow for Canada to go on in its current state. I don't even know if it would accept it attempting to join the EU. I think there would be a simple fix for that. The Americans could simple show Europe what kind of a national security risk Canada poses on THEM.
A very impressive piece of scholarly work -- thanks.
Worth noting that the colonies rejected original draft of the Bill of Rights because it didn't go far enough in protecting state rights if I recall. It went back to Jefferson for tweaking.
If you read the Federalist Papers it becomes apparent at how thoroughly literate and well versed the Founding Fathers were in matters of history. politics and philosophy. They vigorously debated the differences between the Dutch, French and British Parliamentary systems as well as Classical Greece and Rome carving out a unique interoperation of governance for Americans.
As for the Holy Roman Empire, itself grew out of the ashes of the Merovingian and Carolingian empires with the former being ruled by brutish illiterates and the latter by a more advanced and refined culture reaching its apex in Charlemagne. It was the closest thing to a "unified" Europe and was seen as a precursor to the EU.
Overlapping and competing with it was Christianity. But I'll stop here.
So. I'm interested in decoding how Canadians and its Lilliputian pundit class that stubbornly insists at looking at this from a wholly insular Canadian prism. It seems to grasp Pax Americana is over but view it as a dangerous threat to the stability of the world order. Problem is, the world order was already disintegrating. G7, NATO, UN - all these institutions are obsolete. Trump simply pulled the plug on it.
Canada is, once again, betting on the wrong horse. If a - ahem - a country can't defend itself then it has little chance of survival in a multi-polar framework. It will jostle to find a new Sugar Daddy and protectorate. All we're gonna do is become someone else's bitch - Brussels or Beijing. Canada is not strong enough economically or militarily to match its chest thumping blustering of 'finding new partners'. It's ludicrous to pretend otherwise.
Which is pretty retarded if this is what they're thinking.
The days of pretending that Canada is a middle-power with global influence are over. It's like someone who suddenly lost a cushiony job after 30 years even though they knew the day would eventually come.
To me, learn to love America, fall in line and find a spot within this new configuration of the American empire to make yourself relevant or just dissolve already.
Fantastic comment — much appreciated! 🙏
If the Federalist Papers were required reading in schools, I would like to think Western Civilization would be in a much, much better place today!
The Canadian political classes truly beggar belief — it's honestly incomprehensible how they cannot (or refuse) to see the abyss that is right at their feet!
One of the contributing problems we have here in Canada is the absolutely atrocious education system that has been hijacked by neo-marxist socialist woke ideology. History was poorly taught 50 years ago, now it’s a woke-wash of propaganda. We can’t even have a rational conversation about the supposed unmarked graves of indigenous children without hysterical cries of racism and denialism.
Secondly, when medical institutions like UHN in Toronto cave and say on medical reports “sex assigned at birth” disregarding biological reality (never mind the insanity of Covid) we also can’t trust our healthcare system.
Personally, I’ve been feeling over the past 5 years that the only thing that will save our country is some form of revolution. I doubt that joining the EU is the solution. And definitely I see a Mark Carney led government as another nail in Canada’s coffin.
Thought provoking and informative as ever Julius! Thank you!
Europe isn’t really a contender in the emerging new order, as US Envoy and Vice President JDVance made clear last week in Munich. It’s the dumpster where the last of the globalists will be tossed, including opportunistic cretins like Marc Carny. The train has left the station leaving behind weeping Euro oligarchs frantically looking for ways to keep the US$ money machine firehosing dollars into Brussels. It’s over. The new Tri-Lateral commission looks more and more like USA-Russia-China. The EU becomes a vassal state between the emergent fortress North America and Russian control of Mackinder’s World Island.
I also don't have high hopes that Europe's experiment will end well, though I fear they may set the world on fire again on their way out the door.
Sadly a real possibility. Never underestimate the devious depraved opportunism of the British, who are emerging again as America's arch enemy leaving no stone unturned to derail the Russia-US summit. Quite likely they will be harshly dealt with by the Trump admin who are very aware of British attempts to influence the US elections.
They are completely broke and energy dependent on either Russia, the USA or the middle east (choose one).Can't exert much geopolitical power in those circumstances.
Wow, there is a lot here.
Here is the thing. I live in Alberta, which has always felt like it is viewed as a hinterland to be exploited by the elites living in the East. Now, due to an influx over the last 30 years of people from the outside, (and lots of propaganda) we are a divided province with lots of angry splinter groups. Finding common ground on just about any subject is going to be very hard.
Personally, I would like us to be building a network state. A state that recognizes the need for local autonomy, while also acknowledging that cooperation with every other state is required. In other words, I want more local control over the local economy & environment while having the higher levels of government focused on promoting cooperation between jurisdictions. Best way to do this is by requiring transparency in trade, laws, finances, etc.
💯Well said!
We desperately need to restore local control over most of the decision-making in our lives — I feel like this is the most important battle to restore our local communities, and yet all the woke noise keeps everyone from having that long-overdue conversation.
Nations, empires , provinces, and borders, come and go. There is only one lasting Kingdom, that built on Faith, His Spirit, and the Word….be in it.
And I for one would rather live in a materially chaotic but spiritually sound culture than its opposite. As you may know, in those allegedly 'dark ages' the vast majority of people in Europe had only recently been converted from pagan human sacrifice. Those 'evil' fiefdoms were actually an improvement on what they replaced.
I have several objections to what you are writing. First of all: you take for a fact that Trump's America is a move away form top down empire. Of course they haven't been on it for long, but it might all be a move to usher in an even more tyrannical era, with Digital ID's CBDC's, mandatory MRNa "vaccines", chip implants etc. And all with the enthusiastic approval of 'we the people', because, Trump. The other objection is this: you make it out as if Europe will be a significant pillar in the multi polar world. But for that to happen they need to be an economic power as well. And right now, Europe's industry is going completely down the drain. The problem is of course that German industry has been propping up the economies of the southern European states. Without Germany's monetary prowess, you will see that the differences between the European countries will become greater than their similarities. The EU will inevitably fall apart; maybe even go to war, since Italy, Spain and Greece have some unpaid bills open to Germany.
I give you this though: the future has all of a sudden become increasingly insecure.
PS Cool map of Europe - I like "The Free Frisian Lands". Would like to have those back please! (And I know I am not the only one!)
Everything is definitely in flux at the moment!
I'm also sceptical of Europe's ability to hold itself together — the whole thing seems like another attempt to build the Tower of Babel.
I am praying that the Trump regime will follow up its DOGE efforts with a comprehensive constitutional overhaul to restore limits on power (like I outlined in my last essay), but that hasn't entered into the conversation as yet so the continued consolidation of power in the hands of the executive may well continue unchecked despite his current efforts to remove the corruption and rot.
I also found it interesting to see the "Free Frisian Lands" on the map — beautiful area! — I remember reading how medieval Europe stoked up a massive "witchcraft" hysteria against the Frisians as cover to launch a vicious Crusade against them in the 13 century (I think it was the Drenther Crusade) to stamp out the proto-democracy that was emerging there, which threatened to upset the feudal order. Charles Mackay describes it in his 19th century book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds."
That is very interesting! I never knew. I will definitely look into that bit of history!! Did you know, by the way, that in the same area in thirties of the previous century two local elections were canceled?! The locals had voted a Communist city council and the government felt very threatened by it. The then queen (Wilhelmina) ordered the council disbanded and placed a conservative mayor in the towns. Nothing new ever happens!
Germany owes Italy money too. This is a reciprocal trade partnership between two G7 nations. I'd be careful grouping Italy with Greece and Spain. Italy is indebted to itself and has strong cash flow as an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse. Italy is also a net contributor to the EU. Germany is fiscally more sound but it's far from propping a G7 economy like Italy.
Also, there's a point to be made that Trump is creating a technocratic Fortress America. We should be wary of it.
In the Target2 system, Italy is the largest debtor, while Germany is the largest creditor. Should the EU break up, this may become a very big problem.
Yes, Holland and Germany have net positive balances. Italy's banks are a mess.
Informative as always. While reading, I was reminded of James Michener's POLAND where he commented on the groundbreaking Polish-Lithuanian constitution of 1791. It promoted the ideals of the Enlightenment while providing many new rights and protections for peasants and townspeople. It was significant enough that the Russian and Prussian leadership squashed Poland lest their peasants demand the same rights or try to move to Poland to live under the new freedoms.
I'm a big fan of Mitchner's books, but have never read that one. I've added it to the cue! 🙏
Don't you think that US, China and Russia etc are all working together behind the scenes? The metaverse is a global project. Figure heads who apparently are running nation states are there for a reason.
We all see the world through our own eyes so some believe that those men are running the show when in reality plans have been around for many years to change our societies. Communities may not be determined by geography when you are part of the ant computer. Neal Stephenson seemed to set out what is happening when he wrote his novel "The Diamond Age" in the 1990s. In the extremely globalised future depicted in the novel, cultural divisions have largely replaced nation states.
I do feel we are being continually frightened and distracted while we are being monitored to feed A.I. Perhaps if we were to step back from technology and use our energy to nourish ourselves and others, the world would be a better place.
Its certainly argued by some that the real global dark state is families like the Rothschilds, pulling at the strings, and their allies in the large multi-nationals.
This American citizen truly enjoys reading what you research and write, Julius. Times are changing and very interesting, and sometimes downright horrifying! Right now I have many friends who do not trust Elon Musk's band of 20-something computer geniuses who have access to very confidential records that, if copied, could be used to gain control of information that harnesses citizens to further tyrannical overreach by private oligarchs, and not by government this time! One is hard-pressed to trust anyone with power at this point! I am hoping that a critical mass of citizens are staying vigilant and not succumbing to Trump-Worship just because a lot of good things are finally happening. Whoever holds power should not be uncritically trusted. Thank you for your comprehensive view of history!
Wow! The is by far the BEST essay I’ve read on the historical roots of the Pax Americana global order, its decline, and coming dissolution. I don’t write well enough to explain adequately why this article hit home for me, but it did. It’s a brilliant analysis/summation of how we got to where we are.
Thank you Carl, much appreciated!
Without a potent executive branch, Canada has no means of politically purging the criminals and traitors who have sold us out and destroyed any vestige might have had as a nation. We are now, effectively, a failed state, sans nationhood - a post-national state as described by the author and, of course, promoted by the globalist stooge and infantile, half-wit Justine Trudeau.
Mark Carney, in my opinion, is just another globalist stooge - albeit more of a Svengali than Trudeau could ever be. But it makes no difference now, whether the Canadian electorate gets fooled once again and votes in the Liberals. I'm sure the Quebec separatists are going to help this as much as possible to speed up the dissolution of the country. The rapid deracination and socioeconomic destruction of this country has been dizzying, and of course, the public has completely blindsided by the lies and propaganda spewed by the state supported media. The US can accelerate the collapse and pickup the pieces any time they want.
This country was a contrived construct to begin with, but nonetheless, there was a chance to have made something good of it, if we had been allowed to build a real nation. The first Trudeau put paid to that and it's been all downhill since,
I’ve sent your Greenland/Canada articles to more than a few people and spam posted it on Xitter. Some of the best work I’ve read in a while.
Until you know the condition of the physical infrastructure and the competence of those who manage it, you know nothing of contemporary politics.
Thanks for the clarity. As a canadian I now know what Im going to do. I have no confidence in my fellow citizens to ever collectively find the guts to look ccp infiltration in the eye & sweep it out of canada. I am not staying here to watch the suffering among a intentionally dumbed down compliant falsely arrogant citizenship.
So where will you go? As everything gets shaken up from here on out, it seems to me that choosing a better place to stay can be challenging... easy to make a wrong gamble?
I think the problem with Canadians running off instead of learning that every province was a sovereign nation since 1931 and can claim it's right to a constitutional republic, is that Americans and others where we run to, will see us as opportunisitic migrants, just the way we see 3rd world invaders there now.
Not so. Ive done business from home, for twenty years, from Canada, with a US corporation & have clients in multiple states as well as across EU.
The Americans have been asking me since 2021 ‘when are y’all moving down here?’ They are appalled at the tyranny up here. I was persecuted by my fellow citizens for my jab free choices, & watched fellow citizens agree with the gvnmt violently assaulting citizens from AB to ON & the Crown is STILL prosecuting unarmed law abiding citizens for ‘mischief’. They intend to financially ruin people as they once again challenge the decision on the EO. All while carney announces he plans to use emergency orders to force thru his green economy. And what happens?? Mental midget cdns wave their flags & join ‘team canada’…the same team that persecuted my family !! So while I still have the right to travel Im leaving this time. Life is short. I will not leave my grandkids to be tax slaves for globalists among citizens who can’t think sound thoughts. I am NOT ‘running off’, I am choosing to immigrate as a settler, just as my ancestors did who immigrated here. We will go where our work & loyalty are respected & protected. Canada can figure itself out without us
Your essay appears to make the assumption that ethnic tribes/cultures are equally interchangeable, and can thereby be put together like legos to form the next empire. But racial equality is the Great Lie which means that any empire is inherently unstable.
In contrast, race realism means that a nation consisting of a homogeneous ethnic group is more amenable to the personal growth and stability of its citizens, as well as providing the logical nucleus for degrees of organizational subsidiarity if required. All of which tends to moot your conclusions.