Jan 6, 2022Liked by Julius Ruechel

Great job! Thanks for a really intelligent discussion on COVID that has been sorely missing from the general commentary on the subject of virii and their interaction with the human immune system. Most importantly, it is intelligible to people like myself without specialized education and training. Please keep up this wonderful work.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022Liked by Julius Ruechel

They can't use virus theory correctly to predict seasons. It doesn't happen in the equator because of the amount of sun they get... And most North Americans are deficient in vitamin D especially so in winter. The original covid spike in 2020, was due to panic and bad treatments... Killed off the "weak"


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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Julius Ruechel

This is an exceptional report. Read it in full, and bookmark it.

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Absolutely brilliant Julius. This is what true investigative reporting looks like. Massive kudos to you for the incredibly important work you’re doing here.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Julius Ruechel

I think I’ll read this again once (or twice!)to absorb all that information whew! Thank you so much, there was obviously a great deal of work involved.

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Amazing work. I must point out that another reason why the flu disappeared is because people wore scared by the overwhelming and frighting numbers of supposed cases and alleged cov-id deaths, as much as to end up in hospital, getting intubated and consequentially dying.

Now that the cures are available the numbers of those dying in the hospitals are down, people are no longer afraid of reporting their flu.

Also, it makes the perfect excuse for skipping work.

Nevertheless, the wide use of the masks, as caused an obvious spike in respiratory diseases.

An evidence to the fact is also provided by the official numbers given by countries from which you can win that the numbers of the alleged cases have spiked after the implementation of masks recommendation and mandates.

A good example is Finland, a country in which from the introduction of the government’s advise use of the masks on public transports and shops, the number of “cases” jumped two folds in less than two months “and continued to climb” from the time of its introduction.

Keep up the good work and as always

Thanks for sharing

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This is sooo good! Well done!

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The flu never left, it was just rebranded to suit the agenda...as in using the fake PCR tests to create cases and fear and panic and the rush to get a non-life-saving mRNA injection. And that will weaken your immune system allowing any number of health disasters to become part of your daily life. Most symptoms of the seasonal flu are the same as for covid and its weaker variants. Your physical makeup and overall health determine the severity of the flu you may experience.

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Could it be possible that they simply rule out any flu positive as long as the individual also tests positive for SARS Cov2? Given the potential for very high positives depending on the Ct, could it possible that any double positive (flu and SARS Cov2) were simply ruled in favor of the latter?

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Or, the flu doesn't really exist. A decade+ago they combined flu with pneumonia. That year only 250 deaths were flu, the other 62k were pneumonia.

If you train the medical industry to look for a disease, they'll find it. That's how virology works.


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Good point. Modern virology makes astrology look like physics.

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Wow, I need to remember that line for future reference! Good one!

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Great presentation explaining how endemism happens faster or slower in relation to public health policies that thwart its development.

Almost makes you wonder if facilitating endemism & living a rich social life are not public health goals. Hmmm.

That chart on viral load curve & the innate & adaptive immune curves also explains why during the alpha surges (in US anyway) there was reported a characteristic course of illness. It was that covid would be like a serious flu, then the person would feel much improved around day 10 (iirc). Then around 2-3 days later get much worse if the trajectory were to end in ventilation in a 16-day course that ended badly.

I’m thinking the improvement days were when viral load was going down, innate was receding, & adaptive wasn’t yet peaking. At that point where innate & adaptive curves cross.

I learned a lot from this. TY.

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Even if we had some sort of magic bullet, like the cv19 vax, would we want something that would, in effect, block the benefits of enhanced immunity [for having lived through the occasional cold/flu]?

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Curious of your opinion on treating first signs of viral infection—as Dr McCullough and others have suggested with povidone-iodine nasal and throat sprays, and other antivirals—which can kill off viruses before they can take hold (but then perhaps also prevent the body's own immunological benefits from battling and triumphing over it on its own).

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