(Quick link to the full essay on my website)
Universal suffrage and progressive governance (social engineering) were promoted as benevolent updates to the Western democratic system to create a fairer, more just, and kinder world. Like so many utopian fairytales designed to put an end to abusive systems of the past, these alleged solutions to the shortcomings of older hierarchical democratic systems seemed unquestionably sensible and profoundly moral — at least in theory. And yet, wherever this modern updated version of democracy was introduced, including in the West itself, the result has been an unmitigated disaster as the destructive incentives created by these "updates" take their toll.
Why did these 20th-century "updates" to Western democracy fail both Western and non-Western societies alike, leading to corrupt and tyrannical strongman rule in so many countries outside of the West and to the suffocating bureaucratic stagnation, rampant corruption, and growing resentment that is now threatening to tear the West itself apart? By taking stock of what went wrong, a series of new updates present themselves to fix what was broken.
Republics throughout history tend to get replaced by strongmen who promise to sweep aside the tyranny of dysfunctional democracy if the chaos is allowed to go on for too long. Retreating back into the past in which many were denied access to political representation is also not an acceptable solution.
But there is another way...
You can read my essay about The Great Unravelling for free on my website or, if you prefer an ad-free reading experience and would like to support my independent writing, it is also available as an e-book and in paperbacck on Amazon.
Its ALL commerce. For a start Democracy like the other political-socio-economic theories such as communism or socialism. They are all fine ' in theory' but easily and quickly corrupted in practice.
Why this is so is easily determined when we look at how commerce dominates all such systems and is the controlling force. It is not simply about money either, as it is those who can control both the supply AND the movement of financial activity including that involving money.
Demockery is a more correct term. Only in hindsight can we see if something occurred in a democratic way in my view as no prescription or proscription can guarantee in advance that anything will occur in a democratic way.Just not possible.Democracy has never existed and we cannot create it by any means.
Tyranny is tyranny in whatever form and cetralised control of anything by any means will allow tyranny to flourish regardless of political or social intent.
First step is to get rid of the concept of government. As long as there is government, nefarious power hungry mongrels and control freaks will seek to us it to overpower the citizens and exert complete socialism/Marxist control.
What have we been seeing the last 20-30 years? Freedom eviscerated and no one slowing it down. No politician has the answer because they are all under the spell of the murdering big pharma drug mafia and part of the DC Swamp where naysayers are destroyed.