Its ALL commerce. For a start Democracy like the other political-socio-economic theories such as communism or socialism. They are all fine ' in theory' but easily and quickly corrupted in practice.

Why this is so is easily determined when we look at how commerce dominates all such systems and is the controlling force. It is not simply about money either, as it is those who can control both the supply AND the movement of financial activity including that involving money.

Demockery is a more correct term. Only in hindsight can we see if something occurred in a democratic way in my view as no prescription or proscription can guarantee in advance that anything will occur in a democratic way.Just not possible.Democracy has never existed and we cannot create it by any means.

Tyranny is tyranny in whatever form and cetralised control of anything by any means will allow tyranny to flourish regardless of political or social intent.

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Corruption is the point.

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For "commerce" could you read the techno-industrial society?

The existence of democracy as a dominant political structure in the 20th and 21st century is no coincidence, but rather a result of processes of natural selection among competing social systems in an industrial environment.

Although I am writing this on a computer, the system is increasingly stifling and enslaving the majority of humans and few would even consider destroying it rather than superficially 'enjoying' it!

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Good comments mate and relevant. What I am referring to above is what I have learnt from others. Reaching back perhaps more than 6000 earth years is a dominant idea put into practice by those who could to take control of all people on this planet in ways most have no concept of. Indoctrinated from birth to see things as we are meant to that results in our acceptance of what is, when in reality it is a creation of those who would control all. The latest development is intended to use a created computer code controlled society to serve the same ends as all the previous control mechanisms used.

The methodology being used though is fundamentally the same - commerce. The control of the predominant narrative was initially violence, which gave way to religion, then political philosophy with legals systems and now simply by the control of money. The control of health is all directed by money flows as is nearly all social interaction including government and all things in law by commercial legal systems..

And the weapons being deployed on the battlefield of life are also being deployed in commerce, vaccines and other chemical medication, data gathering by all manner of means from metering of energy to monitoring all spaces and activity, climate manipulation and ultimately directed radiated energy weapons presented as communication devices - all being deployed using commerce.

The maiming and killing of the last few years, the hugely increased spying on private life, and the over reach of privatised government which now dictates and controls by commercial processes has all been directed to reducing population by removing all deemed unnecessary, undeserving of life. And the victims, us, pay with their labour for their own indoctrination to accept their destruction or enslavement, all done using commerce. None of this is accidental - its all a developing plan thought out long ago.

But is all hangs on our compliance, acceptance and support. Think about that.

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Yes, yes, yes. And I have thought about it. Better late than never, I guess as it has taken a few years for my brain cells to kick in and it is still a personal struggle.

One point I would like to ask you about is population control. Numbers, that is. Do you think the plan is to reduce the number of humans? I know many say that it is and the evidence points that way but there is just one voice (Alison McDowell), who asks why that would be the case if humans are to be exploited commercially. She thinks they want our bodies and minds and souls.

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The BIG Plague that devastated the population of Europe, as with other plagues, soon showed that populations bounce back in numbers rapidly. How many years after that BIG plague was Europe thriving again? The biggest problem with population is controlling them sufficiently to maintain it while the people consume increasing amounts of resources as the population increases.

Wars serve many purposes including rearranging the political landscape, busting open otherwise impenetrable economic barriers AND removing a large segment of the most able men (mostly). WW1 was about rearranging the structure of Europe on all those ;points as the remnants of the Austro-Hungarian empire collapse, and it resulted in at least 20 million dead from the conflict. There is creditable evidence to suspect the so called Spanish Flu (it was never uniquely Spanish) may have been engineered and spread around the world to claim an estimated 20-50 million more. Yet not 10 years later economies were thriving so well, expanding in what many believed was a golden age, until it was all brought to a stop by an economic crash - read war of a different kind meaning a massive transfer of wealth. There were deaths.

Ten more years and Europe was at it again, and in a pilot project, the Nazis regime orchestrated the deliberate controlled murder of just over 60,000 men, women and children in medical institutions classifying the victims as 'not worthy of life'. It was then expanded into the death camps and those must include the slave labour deaths supporting the conflict, and all this on top of a deadly hot war. And it did not stop there as hundreds of wars have followed WW2. on a worldwide scale. Wars can be so useful.

Improvements in life expectancy, reduction of contagious illness mostly due to better sanitation, had to be countered somehow so modern chemical medical practices most of which amount to nothing more than warfare on the population and contamination of the food chain and living environments are equally effective in limiting populations. And controlling them preventing accumulation of wealth and independence which most likely would result in a push for political and economic independence.

Look into the BIS, Bank of International Settlements based in Basel, Switzerland, that functions in secret as an unelected entity with no public or government oversight, yet dictates to almost, perhaps all, central banks and their governments. Then look into the City of London Corporation that is entirely independent of the UK yet to the left behind the speaker in the British parliament and sitting higher note, is a representative of that private and largely secretive corporation. Why is the District of Columbia, where sits the supposed seat of government of the Union, NOT a member of that union?

Alison McDowell very cleverly illustrated the mechanisms of private ill-health control that smooths the milking of both state and private money while pretending to service people's needs. What she demonstrated already exists. Never mind the quality of life and the early deaths, they matter not as long as there is a constant supply of 'victims' of these systems. So yes they do kill.


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On your last point, I suppose mass immigration supplys a cohort ripe for experimentation and expolitation, amongst other benefits.

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What conditions do the immigrants of all types agree to, overtly or covertly, willingly or unwittingly, to gain a form of permanent settlement in the new place? Very manipulable are desperate people or those who see only benefit by their compliance to the controllers. And it is all oiled to work with money so the statement 'It matters not who governs as those who control the issuance of money control all'.

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Nations are only a transition point to global order.

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That's not news to many as that has been the case for a while, I expect.

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The last 100 years.

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“It is not simply about money either, as it is those who can control both the supply AND the movement of financial activity including that involving money. “

So what's it all about? What's the underlying cause? What are the motivations of those who can control both the supply AND etc? What drives them? Why do they do what they do?

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First step is to get rid of the concept of government. As long as there is government, nefarious power hungry mongrels and control freaks will seek to us it to overpower the citizens and exert complete socialism/Marxist control.

What have we been seeing the last 20-30 years? Freedom eviscerated and no one slowing it down. No politician has the answer because they are all under the spell of the murdering big pharma drug mafia and part of the DC Swamp where naysayers are destroyed.

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People have been programmed to fear fredom.

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Personal responsibility is the other side of the coin of freedom.

It is not free, so less attractive than the false currency of "safety."

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Those who comprehended the power of controlling all people through manipulation of the means of trade soon infiltrated their system into all activity possible. Then they realised that pieces of paper could be made to represent something of value and as a Promissory Note (promise to pay) that could be 'traded' as if it had value in the economy of trade as a 'Bill of Exchange', one that may NEVER be redeemed or put another way, come back with the demand to be 'paid', the opportunity to create 'money' to acquire wealth was unlimited.

Remember, money is not wealth, only a means to acquire wealth, and the best most powerful wealth is to own or control the flow of money, its creation, movement and destruction, so in effect all money. Almost ALL the bad actors we can identify including tyrants are the foot soldiers of those who truly control all economic activity to a large enough degree that they control all else. Manipulation of the narrative is crucial. Whyee?

Example. Q 1, Do you have an opinion regarding the Christian Bible? Q 2, Have you read it? Q 3, If not how can you have an opinion on a book you have not read?


Q 4, How did you 'acquire' that opinion, or how did it get into your mind so deeply you believe it is your own?

People are not inherently and irredeemably bad or good. The vast majority have no inner ethical core of their own around which to wrap a moral code and are completely unaware of what this means to them and society generally. They are not anchored, have no foundation and simply blow in the wind any which way.

Re-read Q 4 above. And think about this.

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It was fraud if we did. Not them they say, all legal like.

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Law and Legal are two distinct and separate though related things. A Legal System may function as if it is law and many accept that it is, but ....as the Legal System is founded and functions on people made rules and can, and often is, constantly being changed by whatever means, by people yet again, a Legal System may reflect 'Common Law' while it is NOT in reality, common to all people. Slaves exist in a Legal System that denies Common Law and 'Rights' which can be given OR removed can only exist in this system.

Look at Bills of Exchange in your 'Legal System' and certainly in systems that grew out of the English/British 'Legal System', and you will almost certainly finds words to the effect 'Common Law including Law Merchant applies...'. Common Law in this context means Law that is Common to ALL people and not the claimed 'common law' of a people created Legal System. Law Merchant is intrinsic to Common Law and while it is true that it was never written down as such, and can vary or change somewhat, the principals of Law Merchant actually apply as Law above ALL created people made Legal System rules claimed to be law. Commercial law is the Legal System equivalent of Law Merchant and is people created law. which reflects the principals of Law Merchant.

Fraud is one of the most, if not THE most powerful words in Law AND in Legal System law, where Intent is the determining factor in criminal activity.

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You would like my podcast on the subject.

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Thanks for that brilliant essay it certainly outlines what is happening in our society and I will use it a great resource to provide to people an explanation of where we are at, especially those who don't really see it.

Are you aware of N.S. Lyons substack, I see some similarities in themes I think you might find interesting.


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Thank's Andrew!

I just checked out N.S. Lyons' substack 🙏 - it's a great article!

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"In short, the die was cast on the day that the West as a whole turned its back on the classical liberal principles of limited government and embraced this new vision for a fairer, more just, kinder, and more inclusive world."

A wonderful essay, but it's fairly obvious it doesn't go far enough. You've got one more layer of the onion to peel back. The evil at the core of both one-man-one-vote and social engineering is equality.

Equality is a mental fantasy of perfection. It sounds good on paper, but means little in real life. We live here in reality, not heaven. Reality doesn't allow perfection. And if you keep pushing for it, reality is going to give you blowback, good and hard, every single time. Why? Because reality is reality. It has boundaries. It has limits. It says here's the sky, and here's the ground, and you're not allowed to mix up the two into one, no matter how wonderful your mental fantasy believes it should be done. Blowback from reality is proof that your mental fantasy is nonsense. If things are going badly in real life, then reality is trying to tell you something, and you're not listening.

The other associated problem, is that your mental fantasies will block out what you should be noticing about reality. In our case here, you're so in love with your ideal of equality, that you'll see it everywhere, even where it doesn't exist. You'll distort the language you use to describe what you see, and then come up with twisted logic as excuses for why equality isn't yet on full display, even though you're morally convinced it should be.

Ah, yes, that's the third problem... you're mental idealistic fantasy about equality has turned into a moral virtue. So now, if anybody disagrees with you by pointing out what reality is actually doing (called FACTS), you're going to be very indignant, and very upset. They've attacked your ideals! They've attacked YOU! How dare they! They must be immoral!!!

Now enlarge that problem. Everyone believes in equality. Everyone believes equality is morality. How? Why? Because the masses have been groomed by the left to believe it. (That applies to you, too, dear reader.) And are they thinking? Nope, they're feeling. Feelings trump any logical ordered thinking, because mindless virtue signaling just feels so damned good. “Racist! Nazi! Homophobe! Misogynist! Trump lover! Putin apologist! Anti-vaxxer!” Wow, what an incredible rush!

So now we have a vicious purity spiral of equality trying to be inserted into reality. It's forcing a square peg into a round hole. It's been happening everywhere in western societies, and it's the reason those societies are destroying themselves, and swirling down the toilet of civilization. After 340 years of this ever-increasing nonsense, people have been reduced to two alternatives: either kill 'equality is morality', or watch while it kills western civilization. Somehow, people have to wake up and understand: equality is the ultimate lie, and the pursuit of equality is absolutely evil.

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