"Words from the Dead"
How to Lift Society Out of the Ashes of Postmodernism (plus a book recommendation)
(Quick link to the full article on my website)
One of the most destabilizing aspects of the chaos of the past few years is that the pillars of society—our democratic and academic institutions, along with our courts, media, police, doctors, corporate giants, and thought leaders—have not only been unable to resist the postmodern deconstruction of society but have become active perpetrators in a war on reality that is turning classical liberal democracy into a grotesque parody of itself.
How did the institutions that were meant to prevent civilized society from devolving into a barbarian free-for-all become the drivers of the current descent into madness? And how do we wake society from a nightmare in which nothing is sacred, freedom is blasphemy, and roosters are laying eggs... when society merely shrugs its shoulders in resignation?
It's time to take a deep dive into the myths, stories, and grand narratives that bind society together in order to understand why society is unravelling and how we can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
I’ve been following since the beginning of Covid. Your articles and books are incredibly well researched. You present facts and reason. Thank you for articulating so well the issues our society is facing. Keep up the good work!
I'm about halfway through your essay. Beautifully written and thought provoking!