Wow! I’ve been a big fan since Covid started. As a business owner in Ontario, I’ve been watching this unfold for 40 years. I kept thinking that Canada would some day come to its senses and change for the better. As you so brilliantly lay out, that didn’t happen. I truly believe we are at cross roads without leadership to guide us to better pastures. I would gladly be an American state. But sadly, I don’t represent but a small fraction of the population. Thanks Julius for putting into words what I’m not capable of doing. I’m in total agreement with you.

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I went to New Hampshire, and I was amazed and shocked to hear they don't pay INCOME Tax nor Property Taxes.. and their streets their infrastructure was totally well kept!

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This writing should be required reading for ALL Canadians...and Americans. Reality is often difficult to swallow especially when faced with worldly corruption. While the preamble to the Constitution of the United States remains a human light in man's darkness, in the end it will only be the Light of the World, the Way, the Truth and the Life that builds a lasting Kingdom. Be....in the Word.

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totally aggree, Canadians are going to taste the sad poverty and destitute like Europe did with wars.. Canadians NEED to let go of daddy government and the false lies of the Indigenous!

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You’ve done an incredible job making the case for Canada to become the 51st state, something I’ve agreed with from the beginning, for some of the reasons you stated and many more I had not considered. The historical perspective and overall analysis is flawless. Thank you Julius for taking on this most important issue and making a bullet proof argument.

It’s time for Canada to do what it should have done from the very beginning.

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Thank you Kate! "It’s time for Canada to do what it should have done from the very beginning." — 100% agree.

I sometimes feel like I would be unrecognizable to myself from as recently as 10 years ago when I consider how far my views have shifted as I keep peeling back the layers — I distinctly remember the patriotic emotions on Parliament Hill a few years before Covid as they played the anthem at the end of their summer light show, with the whole crowd singing along, hat over heart. Not anymore. It's painful yet liberating to see behind the curtain! Cheers, Julius 🙏

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This piece deserves more than the glib - though heartfelt - remark I am about to make. This Saskatchewanian, born and raised, though now living outside Canada, would gladly join the United States on one condition: that Quebec NEVER be allowed to join. The people of the West have had enough of them. Bon debarras!

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Your feelings are understandable but the unity demonstrated by those from Alberta and Quebec during the Freedom Convoy show what is possible when we are facing an intolerable evil oppressing us. As Julius points out "once strong, emotionally-held ideological beliefs become embedded in the human psyche, they are virtually impossible to dislodge." English and French speaking Canadians are both brainwashed by their beliefs which are different though similarly harmful and constraining.

Now is the time to set provincial mentality aside and think about a better continental reality for the future. Trump is an agent for change not the ultimate solution. We should seek peaceful solutions at home and abroad to transcend our mundane temporal concerns. The first step should be dialogue and an attempt at mutual understanding rather than economic and military threats and retaliation.

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On the Freedom Convoy... yes citizens throughout Canada got involved in a peaceful and well deserved protest. Then came the reprehensible plan of Royal Bank of Canada CEO, David McKay and Chrystia Freeland. They directed "we need to designate the [Truckers] group as terrorists, seize their assets, and impair them," which is exactly what happened. Don't bank at the RBC or vote Liberal ever again. No penalties for McKay and Freeland whose directive resulted in a criminal trials of the Truckers that are still going on.


Some are peaceful protestors still in jail for trying to do a public service. Maybe the breakup of Canada in its present form is the way to go under the circumstances.

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Also, it would seem that Quebec and all the provinces would have more autonomy as states.

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Did Grok AI write that for you? What a load of shite.

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100%. That province has more social programs paid for by wealth transfer from Alberta and BC then any other province. All the Quebecers duo is complain and ask for more more more. It is never enough. I agree. Let them see what it feel like to earn your own. only instead of spending some other provinces hard earned money. definitely agree.

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I wonder if we even have the ability to appreciate genius only in the rear view mirror, and not in real time? I just finished watching all 42 hrs of the Bucky Fuller archives: WTF! This will take repeat viewings to grok his way of thinking. Compression vs Tension, and how the former imprisoned architects for millennia vs. how the latter is the way out (why boron was the missing element)

Buckminster Fuller - Everything I Know - Part 2 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Too bad posterity does not have a similar JR archive. Maybe today’s crop of super-smart podcasters will start building such a resource (I hope said interviewers aren’t shallow, stupid, slow, vacuous.

What Richard Feynman was to Physics, and Raymond Peat to Biology, Julius may prove to be on that level as observer, chronicler and genius-level critic.

As a Canadian of 60+ years, I am almost embarrassed at my level of comfortable naïve beliefs. Multiculturalism was, well, in the air and a “given” like so many other unexamined Canadian comforts. It’s a new day and folks had better gather their wits and think on the fly (i.e. in real time). Bobble-headed drive-by snipers waste everyone’s time. Unless you have something to contribute, please go back to enjoying your ersatz latte from Tim’s, imagining yourself on the Champs-Elysees with all of your beret-wearing influencers, k?

JR, you have lit a slow fuse around so many long-ingrained Canadian sophistries that it will take me some time to unearth them into the cold light of day.

Thank you brother. Your hard work and loyalty do not go unnoticed.

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Thank you Lenny! I'm honored by your compliments! 🙏🙏🙏

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Excellent exposition. Hard truths that need to be spoken!

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Excellent piece.

I would add crucial to the optimistic scenario would be media, social media & selling the idea. Personally I was shocked visiting America and seeing how much cheaper their phone plans, banking services, gas, credit card fees, etc are. Despite the economic integration on the top level Canada is plagued with regulatory fiefdoms which serve to create oligopolies (the banks, telecoms, grocery stores).

The post-nation state of Canada primarily defines itself as "not-American" (and superficially "kind"). Redefining a national identity would be difficult and time consuming, though needed.

Proposing frameworks demonstrating the pros and cons would be a logical next step. Steel Manning.

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A good essay, but the problem is far deeper than you think. The problem is a pernicious set of ideas that has infected and corrupted both US and Canadian populations. Let's hear again from Steve Bannon (during interview): "I'm not a conservative. I think conservatives are pussies. The Republican party is a bunch of pussies. They're controlled opposition."

Conservatives and the masses that support them are stupid, because they don't understand the real-world consequences of what they believe in. They are unable to effectively fight leftism, because they have the same basic beliefs that comprise the moral foundations of leftism. The most pernicious of these beliefs is racial equality. Unless conservatives discard racial equality, and instead embrace race realism, they will always be unwitting pawns of the left, ceding moral authority to leftists as they continue taking over every facet of society. As proof, conservatives have conserved nothing over the last 70 years, not even women's bathrooms.

Your beliefs have consequences, and rotten beliefs have rotten consequences. By their fruits ye shall know them. Regardless of what Trump can do, it may be too late to change the beliefs of the clueless masses, and thereby save western nations. Feelings trump the ordered thinking necessary to conceive of truly moral alternatives, because mindless virtue signaling and sanctimony just feel so damned good. The masses are the momentum that keeps society hurtling towards the abyss. And I'm probably just casting pearls before swine.

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A tour de force Julius, thank-you. Having slogged my way through both volumes of the Fourth Turning, your analysis for the future seems very likely. Like other parts of the British Empire, Canada was never meant to be an independent country. Its purpose was to serve the Empire as a source of men and material to fight its wars. With the collapse of the British Empire, Canada has turned into a mini empire itself with the regions as colonies meant to serve the center. Trump is offering Canadians a singular opportunity to be part of the next North America saeculum. Unfortunately much of central Canada, BC and the Maritimes are perfectly satisfied with the status quo and will fight to maintain their identity as “not American.” As Bruce Pardy has suggested, the most likely way forward will be referenda in Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador to join the US, possibly as states but at least with a clear path to statehood.

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Thank you Hugh! Your description of Canada's history and purpose sums it up perfectly!

The Fourth Turning is a must-read! What Bruce Pardy laid out seems very possible as those least happy with Confederation break away first.

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“the most likely way forward will be referenda in Alberta and Newfoundland & Labrador to join the US” … AND everywhere in Ontario outside the GTA and Ottawa.

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Re: tankers being allowed to access eastern ports but not the ones on the western coast

Rumour has it that the Trudeau grandfather had a stake in oil importation via the St Lawrence seaway and also in the Maritimes through an oil importer there.

So the question is…does the Prime Minister Trudeau still own portions of what his grandfather built. Ie is he profiting from oil importation from the east coast. Is this why ships are allowed access there but not on the west coast?

It deserves some investigation at the very least!

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👀 interesting question indeed!

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This was a hell of an article Julius. Very well thought out.

You touched briefly on the Electoral college impact of adding Canada as a state/states but it would be much more than that. How many House seats would get allocated to the state/states of Canada? 50? 100? More? How many senate seats? 10 provinces -> 10 states -> 20 senate seats? Probably 80% of both of them that would be almost permanently blue?

I'm a Canadian now living in the US, exactly because of the reasons you outlined in this exceptional essay. I don't want this end-game. The reason this sad state of affairs was allowed to continue so long is because the previous administration was as compromised as Canada is, perhaps even by the same compromisers. Merging them likely returns the compromisers back to permanent power.

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John, (and Julius too I hope) -

Regarding the numerical composition of the formerly Canadian portion, I would not be tied to existing province / state structure. All of Canada is obviously too much for a single state jurisdiction, with only two Senate seats and House representation of California magnitude. Similarly, using the existing Canadian structure of ten or (Heaven help us) thirteen is also unworkable. The Territorial status of Puerto Rico has some merit if it is combined with the development of the area of the Louisiana Purchase, with certain areas, with similar societies would vote to apply for Statehood and subsequently be granted Statehood as their level of development dictated. Alberta is the obvious first thought but Newfoundland and Labrador also comes to mind. This would allow for a more gradual increase in the now closely equal Senate and House. Anyway, thanks for an interesting read. Eric1MacLeod on X.

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John, Eric, and Linda, agreed on all points and thank you for your kind words about my article!

The risk of tipping the US into Democrat hands, for generations, is definitely the biggest danger to this strategy. I also think that the existing structure of the provinces would have to be rethought — there's actually no law preventing provincial borders from being redrawn in either the US or Canada. Another point that others have made is that once Canadians are liberated from the propaganda, the high taxation, etc, there is a good probability that there would be a massive shift towards conservatism — there are quite a few stories of hardcore liberals moving to America and rapidly shedding their liberal skin as the experience of living under their new Constitution changed them.

One of the most out-of-the-box ideas to offset this risk would be to split some of the mega-cities out as their own city-states (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, etc) — it sounds nuts... except that is exactly what was done when Germany became a republic with the city-states of Hamburg, Bremen, and Berlin, whose municipal boundaries are also the provincial boundaries — it would defuse a lot of the urban-rural tensions and while simultaneously preserving a more equal Democrat/Republician electoral balance to keep both US parties happy.

Canada is ultimately quite conservative outside of the big urban centers, so it wouldn't be too difficult to create a workable conservative/liberal split if we're willing to take a bold axe to existing provincial borders on our way to US statehood. Ironically, there's nothing preventing US states from doing something similar — everyone would be a lot better off if some of the biggest US cities were split out from the rest of their states. The time to make these changes would be during a US-Canada merger when big changes are suddenly possible that are otherwise not.

The Holy Roman Empire that existed in central Europe until the early 1800s was comprised of a flexible number of semi-autonomous micro-states, peaking at 1200 members! It sounds chaotic, yet the empire lasted over 1000 years, as long as the Western Roman Empire, and ironically became less rather than more decentralied over its history in part because of the push-pull created by having so many local micro-jurisdictions defending their autonomy in the overall political system - it is the only empire that ever resisted the forces of centralized power that I am aware of. Might be worth a future article to flesh this out.😃

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thanks for this Julius. Creating city states makes a lot of sense. You've mentioned it before and anyone can observe the voting patterns of city/rural & we live in 2 differing realities. Perhaps rural Alberta has more in common with rural Ontario than they do in Calgary & Edmonton?

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And more in common with BC outside the lower mainland & the Island. Anyone connected to the land in Canada is bound to be more conservative.

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Excellent view of our decline country. I am a business owner self employed for 35 years. The decline in our country over this time has been astounding.

We are being forced out of our homes and businesses by too many immigrants and absolutely criminal government policies.

Our present federal government has caused more harm to the country than almost any government prior to it. The only other one that has caused almost as much damage is Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

We the true Canadians need to wake up and take back our country before it’s too late.

I fully understand why they are taking the approach south of the border, we need to step up and do the same here.

Get rid of all the criminal gangs, and politicians!

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I bet you don't live in Alberta.

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Real Freedom probably won't arrive as one big all-at-once change of mind and heart within most people who, like it or not, are pickled in prevailing thought and custom informing the way they live, which then passes on to the next generation. It's just Zeitgeist. To switch one's mind-set is usually a very slow thing. Most people I know are still Trump haters here in the Portland, Maine area. It's part of the local culture which I somehow never sunk into. It's disappointing and depressing--and they are all "good people". They are not speaking out so much any more against Trump, but they still heartily dislike him. Portlanders are in shock after our election and they don't want to give up their democrat-party (ie: soft-socialist) ideology. They'd rather go down with the ship, so to speak. BUT, my having written that, I have to say, Julius, that your essay was astoundingly exciting! It could work to the betterment of every citizen whether presently Canadian or US American...as long as people are willing to think differently than they presently think. I also thank you for being so knowledgeable about US history! The Monroe Doctrine I'd not considered recently as a possible background for Trump's comments...although I'm not sure that knowing that doctrine was firmly in his wheel-house...Maybe?

I've been following Argentina via Substack because it's also throwing off a lot of shackles. I pray it continues. It's very hopeful and makes me think that pockets of freedom might be popping out all over the world! No one really wants to live like kept animals who are trained to do as they're told, do they? I can't believe that. Socialism is a curse! It's up to those who know a way that enhances life to keep at it...and gear ourselves up for what is really a full-on ideological war. But, for the most part, that war is against people who hate guns and violence but have a really crappy way of thinking--so that's a plus, that they are, after all, "good people" with "bad ideology".

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Good points. Demonizing the opposition is counter-productive. Find the stuff you can agree on, and go from there. In my experience people have more in common than most realize. Doesn't mean you hafta compromise your beliefs. Divide & conquer is driven from the top. Unity more often comes from the bottom. From individual actions & beliefs.

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Wow, so well constructed and laid out, Julius! Kudos!! Be sure to send copies to any and all US politicians that may have Trump's ear... Thomas Massie, Musk, Senators Kennedy and Paul, to name a few! CC a copy to Randy Hillier too!!

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Deeply informative. Yes, it should be required reading. Some thoughts: the global socialists are desperately trying to set up Canada as a necessary component in their agenda. They have lost the Ukraine and are losing many other countries so they are attempting to retrench in Canada. I actually doubt the O'Leary option will occur. He came in, chatted with Trump and is now out of the picture. Why? Because nothing less than annexation will stop the globalists. Mere control of the Canadian territory won't stop them, they will continue to drive ahead on their agenda. It has to be annexation. Full control.

Will Canada take it? The politicians won't, but increasingly on X I hear the voices of Canadians saying let's do this. What will make or break the situation? When Trump abolishes income tax and Canadians see that. Also, Trump tends to put out messages after he has already figured out what he wants, or has accomplished his objective. In this case, a picture of the entire North American continent with the American flag as the North American continent. It's a done deal already.

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While America, despite its problems, prides itself on being a “melting pot” that encourages assimilation, Canada has embraced the “multi-cultural” path that discourages assimilation.

THIS IS EXACTLY THE Problem, excellent, article, Julius... excellent! you have your facts and your not afraid to use them. I have said this long ago, that we are nothing without the USA, look they OWN Alaska for Gods sake, are Canadians that blind that we can defend ourself by our little military ! Hug an American today and lets be friends.

You see, I watched two Asian ladies from the USA, and the difference was as you stated -- melting pot.. they spoke English VERY well, they seem to be loyal to America.. And then we have Richmond B.C. which is 73% ASIAN.. that is colonization!!

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